Williams Manor Released to Beta

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Active Member
Today, Williams Manor was released to a non-public group of beta testers. Williams Manor is an android application that allows you to control your Elk security panel from your smart phone. Williams Manor allows you to arm/disarm the security system, see the status of your zones, control outputs and lights, and activate your tasks from anywhere in the world using only your phone.

This thread is for feature requests to see what the public would like to see in such software. What features as a homeowner would you demand to be willing to purchase an app to control your Elk? What features would you like that you consider put the application “over the top†as one of the best things to show off? For dealers and installers, what features would you be interested in?

Development is moving very fast – faster than I expected. Please comment on what you would like to see and it may be included in the initial public release. Expect to see Williams Manor on the Android Market soon!

Williams Manor Developer
I don't use Android but I know that an Android HA app is a very welcome thing. There are some very nice and popular iPhone apps so I think it would be safe to say including the types of features in those would be the kind of stuff that is wanted.

And is Williams Manor a code name or something? Sounds more like an old folks home rather than hi tech software :rolleyes:
I don't use Android but I know that an Android HA app is a very welcome thing. There are some very nice and popular iPhone apps so I think it would be safe to say including the types of features in those would be the kind of stuff that is wanted.

And is Williams Manor a code name or something? Sounds more like an old folks home rather than hi tech software B)

Yes, as an Android user I love to see this type of development, but please change the name before you hit RTM.
Glad to see you have something working, are your still going to develop the andriod app to connect to Elve? I believe yo said in your last post that you were stripping out the Elve comm stuff B)
Glad to see you have something working, are your still going to develop the andriod app to connect to Elve?
My app for Elve is a seperate project now. Seperating the two makes the apps generic enough for anyone to use them without a requirement that they have a similar setup to me.

I really do need to come up with a new name for it! I'll think of something before RTM.
I think that it would be wise to have the application set up to use modules. Not only could users could pick and choose what functionality best suits their setup this way, but you could also charge based on those tailored provisions. Additionally, you would not limit yourself and your customers to one or two technologies. Future developments could capture markets for the ISY, IRTrans, etc. or you could create a module that would encompass many different devices and sell it as an automation expansion pack for "William's Manor" (I agree that the name should be changed as well, just for the record).
Customization is a must, and I suggest that you make it as versatile as possible -- one example being the ability to create buttons to send ASCII strings to devices.
Is this app out yet? I have a HTC Hero and I am in the process of setting up my ELK now.

I exchanged emails with Kent the other day and he said that he is very busy working on his house for the moment. As a tester I can tell you that the app is coming along very nicely, but there are a few bugs to eliminate and Kent is adding even more features. This program will be well worth the wait.
Is this app out yet? I have a HTC Hero and I am in the process of setting up my ELK now.
Soon! My install has been taking up most of my free time in the last few weeks. I want to ensure that when people purchase the app they get something solid that actually works. It will be worth the wait!

One feature that I would love to see is support for IP cameras.

I have an IP cam viewer app on my Android phone, through which I can monitor my Panasonic IP cam. I can also access the cam though the web browser. Getting it integrated with an Elk control software on the phone would be great: "A motion sensor triggered, and here is the picture".

Right now I have the Elk send me text messages to the phone when motions trigger, and I include the camera URL in the message as a link... that works but is clumsy and slow.

One feature that I would love to see is support for IP cameras.

I have an IP cam viewer app on my Android phone, through which I can monitor my Panasonic IP cam. I can also access the cam though the web browser. Getting it integrated with an Elk control software on the phone would be great: "A motion sensor triggered, and here is the picture".

Right now I have the Elk send me text messages to the phone when motions trigger, and I include the camera URL in the message as a link... that works but is clumsy and slow.


You realize you can set up a trigger on the Panny IP Cam to send you a snapshot via e.mail, right? That's what I do with mine.
I do that with all my IP camera (except for in the house, as the alarm would go off if someone broke in and I'd be alerted by an email from the M1G). The only PITA is those mud daubers flying by or ants walking across the lens!


One feature that I would love to see is support for IP cameras.

You realize you can set up a trigger on the Panny IP Cam to send you a snapshot via e.mail, right? That's what I do with mine.

Yes, I realize that. However, my goal is to see video frames synced with events from other motion sensors (at the front door, on the patio). The camera has a much broader field of vision, and it will pick up unrelated random motion.
I do that with all my IP camera (except for in the house, as the alarm would go off if someone broke in and I'd be alerted by an email from the M1G). The only PITA is those mud daubers flying by or ants walking across the lens!


nice Donzi!
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