Anyone still using Elve? need help moving to a new computer


I am retiring a computer with an Elve installation and building a new one. I'm look for a way to move the configuration, including devices and rules from the old machine to the new.
Has anyone done this and how difficult is it?
It's simple. Just do an Export on the old, import on the new. Done. You'll find it in the file menu I believe. Been a while but it's in one of the menus for sure.
Thanks for the info, that WAS easy.
Does anyone have the Elve documentation from the (now shutdown) web site?
I copied everything over to a more stable location.  This should also fix up some of the link issues.   You can find a copy of the CodeCoreTechnologies web site at Looks like I didn't get all the style sheets since it doesn't look great, but he on-line manual links seem to be working fine.