Access Control- M1KAM or other device.


Active Member
I am looking to have access control to a backyard gate. Are there any advantages with going with a M1KAM access control device that controls one door, over something like a Trine 017TDC-3?
From what I read, seems like that M1KAM has a few more options in terms of adding an alarm/buzzer if the door is left open.
I liked the Trine, since it gives you the ability to add a remote control.
But I would probably use some rules on M1 on keypads and function key to unlock the door at certain locations.
I would most likely have a card/fob reader to unlock gate from exterior.
Any advice would be welcome since I am new to access control.
If you've already got the M1, then it can be nice to use the built in card-reader functions...  and if it's handling the release, then remotes are easy too - anything that can trigger an input on the M1 can act as a remote, or any of the off-the-shelf remotes if you have wireless implemented.
Also keep in mind that you don't necessarily need the KAM - all the keypads except the little 1-gang keypad also support an attached Wiegand reader along with an input and output - so if you've got one nearby that would work too.
Lastly - I've successfully integrated 3rd party wiegand RF remotes/interfaces with the M1 - so the receiver was behind the keypad at my front door, but a remote fingerprint reader could be placed just about anywhere on the property... I believe the same company had remote card readers, etc.
Otherwise the KAM is handy and does have the REX and other features built right in; although those can be duplicated without it as well.  The one drawback to the KAM was that you can't enroll cards from it - cards can only be enrolled manually or via a "reader" that's attached to a keypad... that's why mine sat in a box unopened.
Does anyone have recommendation on good 26bit wiegand readers for exterior use?
I don't currently have any wireless set up. And the prospect of spending 60$ on a remote (6010) who's battery can not be serviced is not too appealing. Can you tell me more about the 3rd party wiegand RF remotes/interfaces? I am looking at a budget solution though... no fingerprint scanners. It is in a public street, so something vandal proof is preferred.