Anyone got z-wave working with OpenRemote?

Just downloaded
Configure my z-stick
following instructions here:
There is no z-wave section in the file. I added this to the end (as it seems to be the only thing that does anything in the example given):

log4j.appender.zwave-file.Threshold = DEBUG
I see no z-wave log file
Can anyone help?
I hate it when they can't keep basic instructions up to date. Don't they realize that they'll lose most prospective users?
Sorry I can't help you, but wanted to mention I use EventGhost as the middle man between OpenRemote and my Z-Wave controller. The setup works flawlessly. I've used OpenRemote for almost 2 months now and I haven't experienced any issues - I don't ask much of it though either.
video321 said:
Sorry I can't help you, but wanted to mention I use EventGhost as the middle man between OpenRemote and my Z-Wave controller. The setup works flawlessly. I've used OpenRemote for almost 2 months now and I haven't experienced any issues - I don't ask much of it though either.
Thanks for reply. Could you elaborate on your setup? Don't know too much about eventghost other than you can send it commands and have it execute PC stuff
What manages the z-wave network?
What's the data flow when you send a command and receive status back?
Eventghost can do a lot more than just execute PC stuff - it can communicate with many types of devices, such as executing tasks on my Elk M1 via simple ASCII commands. Anyway... OR will send a UDP broadcast to EG which will then send a command to my z-wave controller (Vera.) All of this is one-way communication, but if I need more I'll just open the dedicated app I use for Vera. Of course... if I cared I can even have a button within OpenRemote that when hit opens the vera app for me.
I'm at a point where I just don't have time to "pretty up" a touchscreen interface when I can just download what I need.