CAI WebControl Logger [Software]

Hi, I have just flickered some on the code.
Not anything that needs to be updated.
To get the two PLC's to communicate I'm sure it can be done.
IF PLC1 TTL 1 Input bits value = 1
then PLC2 TTL 1 Output bits value = 1

Hi Lars !
Yes, exactly !
That would be super, and maby the other way around, output plc1=1...input plc2=1.

I am at my weekend house where I have my PLC and have tried out the loging. It works nice, but I have a question about
using the data in Excel. I am a néwbee at excel, and as I understand excel don´t like the "C" in the temp. log, and is it possible to change the .(dot) to a ,(komma?)
How do I fix this ? Maby you have a template how to show data in a diagram with excel ?

On my wish list for V3.0 is:
- To able to log VAR
- Be able to save the settings for the I/O:s I want to log.

I am sorry that I have one PLC running at the momet, otherwise you could have used mine to develop on.
My weekendhouse is of-grid and at the momet I have 5 temp.sensors, 1 AI (battery voltage) and 4 DO (outdoor light, starting the heater etc. )conected.
I remote control a diesel heater on/off and have a thermostat and a running hour meter in program area.
In the future (with plc no.2) I will be able to remote start and control a 12V generator with a 4-stroke engine, monitor my
solar panels (voltage, current and so on)

So Lars, keep up the good work, I realy like the work you do. This would be a original CAI software !

Happy Easter !
Hi, the easy way is to import the data into excel. Then, in excel mark the area you want to fix.
Then use ctrl+f and choose to replace "." with "," and "C" with "". Done.
I can implement into the VB code your layout, replacing . with , and so on.
Just by validating the settings in your control panel, or by user input in the program.
The later is the best since you can have different languages in OS and excel.
I can also have VB to fremove the "C" and "%" in the values as they are logged.
But, excel has no problem understanding percent, so maybe I will leave this issue as is.
I just have to go through my VB projects since I have done this before in a different project i wrote...
Have fixed the issues with dot/comma, and the C/F in temp logging can be removed.
I have included to remove % as well, even if excel handles this parameter.
I will release the new updated version quite soon...

Hi, are struggling with a small programming issue.
Anyone that has a clue how to get a Analog Input signal value?
Just getting a value higher than 0 (and stable) to check my code.
I have no hardware at the present to do this, but I'm sure somone can tell how to an easy way...
New version is 99% done.
Mantamania is beta testing the new version.
Big thanks to him for letting me getting access to his PLC sorting out the AI errors/problems in the program.
Seems like the updated version will be released in 24h or so...
Stay Tuned!
V1.3.0 is now released.

  • Shows newest written line in listbox all the time.
  • Change dot to comma and vs.
  • Can remove C/F in list showing temp.
  • Can remove % in list showing humidity.
  • Update function for Analog Inputs.
  • Email support
  • Removed Analog error in code.
  • Minor fixes in the code
Download: http://www.weatherby...y_view&iden=139
V1.4.0 is in the mould. Included addons so far:
  • Save all Input data, and loading stored Input data to program.
  • Auto check for updated version and download of updated program.
  • Removed some minor flick in the program
Hi, after V1.4.0 all minor updates will not be announced here. (software will tell...)
Major upgrades will be announced as before at the forum.
Hi Lars !

I have used the V1.4.2 for a while now and it's working great !

My problems with updating is as you told me, probebly my 3G modem.
I will try to fit a better antenna next time I visit my house next time.

v1.4.2 is running stable and have been tested for quite some time.
Minor updates in V1.4.3, better algo for pinging PLC and removed a few minor errors in code.
Will be released quite soon, and can updated trough the program if you are running V1.4.0 or higher...
Lars, can you consider releasing the VB code so i can custom modify it for my own home automatiion project.

Ohh... I have spend several days coding this project so I'm not so happy about giving away my baby.
But, PM me with more info and I will have a look into it.
What you realy need is maybe just the major part of code... (how to?)

Is there a way to change the input names on the status screen? I have names for them on another screen, but they dont appear on the status screen.

