Help for new guy - Nexia enabled thermostat


New Member
Hi All - We are in the process of buying a new to us house built in the 60s. We are replacing the furnace and AC with a new Trane system and the company is installing a Trane XL850 Nexia enabled thermostat. I am totally and completely new to the topic of home automation. I was not familiar at all with Nexia so I checked into it and saw that they are a subscription service ($10-15/month) to use their cloud-based service. That was not appealing to me but the idea of the services available was really appealing.
We have some it appears to be very simple asks when I look at all the possibilities that one could do. It would be nice to tie furnace automation in with our smartphones and tablets to set the scheduling and changes from there as opposed to standing in front of the thermostat. We don't have any sensor based zone systems or anything as such either. We also need to replace all the locks in the house and have growing children, so this would be a great opportunity to put Nexia-type or Z-Wave type locks with keypads on the door. This way I could give my kids a code instead of a key, lock and/or open the doors remotely and all those things. That is really about it for now. I don't have any Hue lights, any other security or video things or anything as such. If I were to think of any future expansion I would do, I could see possibly adding a camera to the entry door to capture when anyone approaches or a package is delivered. I wouldn't mind integrating my garage door opener into that mix and maybe eventually some indoor lighting.
I did some searching around for information on this site, at Reddit r/gadgets and r/homeautomation but thought I would ask here and for anyone else coming into the same boat as me. I was not really finding a newbie FAQ and it seems like there is much information overload. Suggestions or help as to how I might proceed?
Welcome to the Cocoontech forum alsabotka.
These days here while the thermostat has been connected to the automation mother ship for a few years now; I do not play much with it and mostly just watch temperatures and humidity levels in the house and do regular maintenance keeping the furnace/AC clean and change air filters (regular and charcoal flavoured) once a month.   It's a bit ingrained these days and the automation mother ship doesn't do the replacement of the filters or cleaning of the system.  It does remind me but I do not pay attention much these days cuz I am already automated to do it...
I have seen now  (well a couple of years back) a manufacturer of HVAC units (selling a common name and same unit with out the common name end assembling the devices for sale) getting very particular about adhesion to proper methodologies of installation (and warranties) relating to said compliance. 
A friend here built a new home on his property but didn't move in to it for a bit of time.  He never tested his new zoned HVAC.  First time he used the AC; all of the freon leaked.  He went back to his installer (GC) and GC relating to repairs under warranty and GC mentioned a cost to repair which he paid for. (he told me he didn't want to have anything to do with the GC any more or have a stroke or cause mental anguish).....
Next steps would be to call the MFG mother ship with diagnostics relating to proper installation compliance and that relating to warranty stuff.  On the commercial side got a bit involved with little web based modules doing this and offered as a high cost option.  Personally used it and direction was to be able to automate / manage multiple locations with easy wan connected monitoring.
Not to be cynical here but we do pay a premium today for now standard HD broadcast television or now standard high speed internet or automation paid in little siphends by the month ....such that a paid subscription for monitoring you HVAC stuff is a win win for the manufacturer of your stuff.
Personally only advice I can offer is to read on here on Cocoontech relating to the integration of HVAC and automation in to your home.
alsabotka said:
Hi All - We are in the process of buying a new to us house built in the 60s. We are replacing the furnace and AC with a new Trane system and the company is installing a Trane XL850 Nexia enabled thermostat.
I just replaced my HVAC unit also.  I will tell you what most installers were trained to do.  Sell you their highest-priced unit along with their thermostats so they get reoccurring revenue.  If you do the math, the electricity savings will never pay for the extra cost, and once your AC needs repair, the compressors and control boards for these expensive units are many times what a basic unit costs.
Anyway, there are thee types of units, single speed compressors, two speed compressors, and variable speed compressors.  Assuming you DON'T have zoning from Trane, and your compressor is single or two speed, then any home automation thermostat can control it. If you have a variable speed compressor, you are screwed, you fell for it, and Trane won this one. Sorry, they got you.
Otherwise, for Trane single speed and two speed units, you can replace the thermostat, no problem.
I guess I am not too worried about the thermostat or replacing it right now. I was wondering if I could use its connectivity to add a small amount of HA as I mentioneds? I am a bit confused at my options reading around here.
Nexia is doing their own propietary automation.  Looks like you can integrate your new thermostat to their automation system called Nexia.
I have never used Nexia and I am not sure if anyone on the forum is using Nexia Automation.
It is Trane's propietary automation Hub.
Here is the first device you want to integrate automation.  It called the Nexia Bridge.
Our home starter bundle makes it easier than ever to tap into the convenience of home automation.  The Nexia Home Bridge serves as the hub for the Nexia Home Intelligence system, using Z-wave technology to communicate wirelessly with products throughout the home.  The appliance module automates lamps, fans, small TVs, and other small home appliances. Even more, the appliance module extends the range of the Bridge to reach even the farthest corner of your favorite room. Together, these two products build a simple, mobile, and scalable foundation for home automation.
  • The Nexia Bridge allows you secure home management through your online Nexia account and app.
  • The Nexia Bridge connects to your router to allow you to control your home through a securely encrypted broadband Internet connection.
  • It communicates wirelessly with many other Nexia-compatible Z-Wave products, allows complete control over your home, whether you’re at home or away.
  • Add over 200 Nexia compatible devices to the Bridge to expand your home automation system anytime.
  • Includes Schlage Home Appliance module.
pete_c said:
Nexia is doing their own propietary automation.  Looks like you can integrate your new thermostat to their automation system called Nexia.
I have never used Nexia and I am not sure if anyone on the forum is using Nexia Automation.
It is Trane's propietary automation Hub.
Here is the first device you want to integrate automation.  It called the Nexia Bridge.
Our home starter bundle makes it easier than ever to tap into the convenience of home automation.  The Nexia Home Bridge serves as the hub for the Nexia Home Intelligence system, using Z-wave technology to communicate wirelessly with products throughout the home.  The appliance module automates lamps, fans, small TVs, and other small home appliances. Even more, the appliance module extends the range of the Bridge to reach even the farthest corner of your favorite room. Together, these two products build a simple, mobile, and scalable foundation for home automation.
  • The Nexia Bridge allows you secure home management through your online Nexia account and app.
  • The Nexia Bridge connects to your router to allow you to control your home through a securely encrypted broadband Internet connection.
  • It communicates wirelessly with many other Nexia-compatible Z-Wave products, allows complete control over your home, whether you’re at home or away.
  • Add over 200 Nexia compatible devices to the Bridge to expand your home automation system anytime.
  • Includes Schlage Home Appliance module.
Just remember its a $9.99/month service to use it.  And you may want to check out this thread before deciding to invest in it: