Help with GE Concord 4 system?

I don't see much traffic about these systems on this site.  If anyone knows a better website for these products, please let me know.
On to the question(s):
My Concord4 is connected to my home automation system via RS-232 and their automation module.  Whenever I arm or disarm the panel I get these messages that the HA system is flagging as trouble reports because it doesn't know what to do with them.  I need to figure out if I can turn these messages off, or if I need to modify the HA plugin to deal with them somehow.

When Arming:

Alarm/Trouble is 13.3: Partition Event / Latchkey Off; event data = 1
Alarm/Trouble is 18.6: System Event / Output On; event data = 5

When disarming:

Alarm/Trouble is 13.3: Partition Event / Latchkey Off; event data = 246
Alarm/Trouble is 18.6: System Event / Output Off; event data = 5


It appears to me that the system is turning Output 5 on when the system is armed and turning it off when it's disarmed.  I don't think I have an output 5.  I only see two output terminals on the panel, and only one has something connected (the Siren, I assume).  So what is output 5?  And how do I stop this from happening?
And 13.3 is "Latchkey Off".  I don't use any Latchkey functionality at all.  I have Latchkey Reports off for all users.  Is there any way to stop it from sending this message?
Thanks in advance....
Too many variables in the system program to truly narrow down what is causing the reporting, as it's non-standard nomenclature. You'd be trying to reverse engineer the alarm panel to accomplish this. Output would allude to a phantom event flag
Easier to modify the HA head end to ignore the specific items giving you issues.
Well, the nomenclature in the HA system reports may be non-standard, but the codes (13.3, 18.5, 18.6) are right out of the Concord4 manual.
I've got a query in to the tech that programmed the system initially, so I might find out something there.
Easy enough to modify the HA interface to ignore those messages, but I hate having something like that running that I don't understand why it's doing it.  ;)
That doc was a nightmare to go through.
Looks like there's no way to stop what the information is, as the panel is tagging valid information as "unused" or "disabled/off"