Lighted doorbell connection to Elk M1

There is a thread here on CT relating to the installation of an LED doorbell both DIY and over the counter purchased.
The over the counter purchased LED door bell buttons have all of the electronics in epoxy in the doorbell and are made to work with the 18-24 VAC conventional doorbell set up.
The Elk boards just sense the AC voltage for DC voltage connectivity to the Elk panel.  You really need the Elk debounce circuit in place to prevent a continuous dinging of the doorbell.
Its working as expected, actually.  I have it announce 800mhz tones to mimick a real doorbell.  The issue with it not lighting was actually because the polarity was reversed (which causes LEDs not to emit anything:) ).
I reversed the wires at the button and it all works as it should.  No continuous ding, the zone voltage is back to 6.4 ("almost 7") and the button is lit.
Good news Chris. 
Here just sort of picky relating to what I connect to my OP2 panel and paranoid about damaging it or even taking a chance on doing that such that I went to the combo Elk doorbell board and debounce circuit and autonomous PS for the stuff and only used the 24VAC doorbell power supply for the LED doorbell.  Overkill I guess.
pete_c said:
Good news Chris. 
Here just sort of picky relating to what I connect to my OP2 panel and paranoid about damaging it or even taking a chance on doing that such that I went to the combo Elk doorbell board and debounce circuit and autonomous PS for the stuff and only used the 24VAC doorbell power supply for the LED doorbell.  Overkill I guess.
Nope, I definitely see where you're coming from!  I was kinda in a rush to get it up and running and connecting to the M1 was the "shortest stroke".  I dont have any Elk boards hanging around :) so using their doorbell module was out of the question yesterday.  I might still look into it, though, for the reason you mentioned....keeping everything separate just because.
What I noticed too with the illuminated by LED doorbell button is that folks touch it but do not depress it such that the doorbell doesn't ring.  Well too because it appears to look like touch device rather than a regular doorbell.  The LED lamp doorbell is just a circular glow rather than a single LED in the middle of the button.  Mine has an epoxy back to it and is a bit longer in depth.  It is meant to be a total replacement for the incandescent style illuminated doorbell (which I had in place) and runs off the standard ac doorbell power.  I had to install it in the wooden frame between the door, glass side panel and brick which was an endeavor in itself.
Door to door anybody in our little subdivision are supposed to register with the HOA before coming in to the subdivision.  That said I personally ignore them mostly.  (politicians lately).  Dad, bored a bit would latch on to them for at least a couple of hours with idle conversation (same as telemarketers).
That said I have the front door CCTV / motion on the front porch is configured to ring the doorbell without ever touching the button.
Yeah the one I got is just a regular button with a "halo" LED around it.  Looks cool (especially for the price) and there is still a button in the center that should indicate "press me"