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Motorola Premise
Thanks to all those involved in the current and future efforts of getting the Yahoo bbs transferred here. It's nice to see the product still flourish after all these years. ...Ok so flourish is not the right word, but enthusiasm still exists and it gets me in a recollective mood thinking about what some of us still call the good old days!
I have tried to edit the SA upb.dll source using Visual C++ and the Premise SDK, but there are several libraries and header files that appear to be missing. Unless anyone has access to all of the original source, I don't see how to make this work. I have several of the new US2-40 devices, and Premise has no idea what they are, or what to do with them.
Is it time for a rewrite? I know alot of other software out there uses the UPStart export to get the info they need to populate, etc.

I know I have some HAL/Fry's switches and modules that Premise certainly doesn't recognize. I was able to cobble together the PCS driver to make the switches work, but since the modules use yet another manufacturer's code, I couldn't get them to work in that driver. So it's a stop gap at best. But I do have a few of those modules that I need to get working soon.

Unfortunately, I can't write code. I can fumble my way around scripting a bit. So my suggestion for a rewrite is hopefully thinking at it's best ;)
I have tried to edit the SA upb.dll source using Visual C++ and the Premise SDK, but there are several libraries and header files that appear to be missing. Unless anyone has access to all of the original source, I don't see how to make this work. I have several of the new US2-40 devices, and Premise has no idea what they are, or what to do with them.
Give me your email address and I can send you my hacked upb drivers. The drivers will recognize the us2-40 switches. I leveraged off of Sam's work.
I just find and try to use the Premise System, it is great, I follow the video tutorial downloaded from, it is a great start point to experience the structure and functions of Premise System, unfortunately, I cannot find the video tutorial for 204: Introduction to Premise Scripting, 205: Intermediate UI Customization and 301: Two-way Generic Serial Devices, where can I find the video tutorial for the 3 chapters?
As of 5/1/2008, the is down. Does anyone know who to contact to let them know its down?
Unfortunately, the email address is defunct; it bounced.

I notified Motorola's webmaster and used their site's Contact form. Hopefully, the message will eventually find the right person.
Unfortunately, there are no video tutorials for 204 and 205 but there is one for 301:

Some of the other courses offer a PowerPoint presentation and script examples (contained in XDO files).
Thank you 123, since the currently is offline, I will check it next time. Today I am trying to follow the "Generic Devices Example - Custom Receiver", after defined and learned all the IR code for Cinema Bass Feature, Simulated Surround Feature etc, how can I create Home object to map to the customized device(with customized feature) and make control button appear in control page?
Until Motorola fixes the problem with, you may download the Premise Installer and related video tutorials from my SkyDrive.

Video Tutorials (WMV):
I've learned from other people that they also experienced problems downloading the files from SkyDrive. It seems to work for some people but not for others. In addition, its speed and availability are subject to traffic conditions.

SkyDrive's performance is beyond my control. I posted the files on Skydrive as a convenience to Cocooners because is inoperative since late last week. The best recourse is to contact Motorola ( and kindly ask them to restore service to the dead web-site. I've already submitted a request but it may help if others do the same.
I've learned from other people that they also experienced problems downloading the files from SkyDrive. It seems to work for some people but not for others. In addition, its speed and availability are subject to traffic conditions.

It seems that if you step back to 123's root directory 'TD' and then navigate down to the Premise files (there is an onscreen hierarchy) it all works fine. Maybe the original url has some aspect of session ID.

Premise Home Control is one of the best free Home Automation programs available. This forum is dedicated to sharing tips and tricks as well as answering your questions.

Please see the Premise Wiki for a complete description of Premise Home Control.

Who collaborated on the Premise Wiki entry?
