What's the preferred format for Audio and Video Files

I'm trying to avoid using WMA - somewhat proprietary.

I'd rather play FLAC.

I'm guessing that with a FLAC plugin, I can play FLACs through the Music Port, using Windows Media Player.

As you pointed out, it's not a 'stream' at all - it's just the audio out of the sound card. If I can play a FLAC locally, it will be played through the Nuvo GC - it's just a line level output that's distributed.

Of course, this all seems obvious, but can you think of a reason that FLAC would not play? Am I missing something?
If i plugin exists that makes WMP play FLAC then i suspect it will work. They key thing is that it not only plays, but properly scans the folders and picks up metadata and such.

In order to play M4A files I installed a plugin into WMP which then played the song if i double clicked on them, but i had to install another plugin to make it scan those folders and pick up the meta. I never did work quite right. Once of the reasons I moved to all MP3 (actually all WMA lossless, but with MP3 192/256bit copies).