42A00-2 Issues


I have the wireless receiver (42A00-2) and can't seem to get the zones to report correctly. I follow the instructions and "trip" the zone, which registers. When the door opens, it shows AL (which is correct), but when I close the door, it shows "CO". Which is for Cover Off. No Cover has been removed. It does this for all zones I have registered.

For example, Zone 1:
Open my back door - display reads "1 - AL"
I close the back door - diplsay reads "1 - CO" and continues to cycle through the remaining 8 zones.

Anyone have thoughts on this?
Hmmm, interesting device. So you are taking hardwired contacts and connecting them to this device and then that device is transmitting to your 42A00-2? I am assuming you do have the RE108 model. My only guess is that somehow when you enroll the Re108 with the 42A00 it is not seeing something correctly. Do you have a regular GE transmitter so you can just confirm that works properly? I would assume it does and hence must be something weird witht he RE108 conversion but I know nothing about that device :(
Hmmm, interesting device. So you are taking hardwired contacts and connecting them to this device and then that device is transmitting to your 42A00-2? I am assuming you do have the RE108 model. My only guess is that somehow when you enroll the Re108 with the 42A00 it is not seeing something correctly. Do you have a regular GE transmitter so you can just confirm that works properly?

That is what I am doing - taking hardwired contacts to wireless. I do not have a GE transmitter I can try :-(
Ok so I assume you had a scenario where there was just no way to get the hardwire contacts into the HAI panel since obviously thats always the best way to go. So, looking at the manual I only have 2 guesses, and they are just guesses. First is that somehow the 42A00 sees the 'cover off' from each transmitter which would have to be some sort of conversion or transmit issue on the RE108 to the 42A00. The only other thing would be the RE108 main zone supervision (9th ID). Is the cover off of the RE108? Is it possible the RE108 is telling the 42A00 of the tamper on the main id? Did you learn the 9th ID/main zone of the RE108 to the 42A00? If so maybe unlearn it and see if it changes?

Past that you would have to ask Resolution products if they ever saw that or perhaps HAI has...
I am working with ckg on this issue over the phone, since we turned him on to the translator as a potential solution for his rather unique scenario. We just contacted HAI Support together on a conference call, but they were unable to provide any guidance, other than posturing that it must have something to do with the translator being in the middle. I also attempted to reach Resolution Products at their main number, but had to leave a voicemail, so I am awaiting a return call.

This is peculiar because I can't think of any scenario where this translator would be used OTHER THAN with a GE wireless receiver, so this has to work....??? The last ditch solution that comes to mind is to instead use 8 of the individual GE stick-on door/window transmitters (the larger ones with the screw terminals under the cover for turning hard-wired zones into wireless zones.)

Any other insight greatly appreciated. Stabs in the dark welcomed.... In any case, ckg or myself will update this thread with a fix if/when one is discovered, which will hopefully help someone else out in the future. :mellow: