Adaptive Home Logic

Adaptive Home Logic v1.01 is now available for download.

This is a significant update that integrates the power & integrity of
SQL (zero-configuration), and support for Windows Script Host for
advanced users that wish to plug-in their own VBScript (Visual Basic
Script) or JScript (Java Script) routines into the program to provide
additional or specialist functionality, complex `if-then-else'
scenarios, etc.

Support is also provided for RS-485 (multi-drop serial network) and
X10 via the CM11 or Firecracker Power Line Interfaces.

New low price, only US$29.95

Please see our new updated website for details.

Acentient Software
Great site, lots of information!

Couple of questions:

Are there other variable types besides user variables? Is 10 user variables enough?

Any chance you might allow more than one TTS voice to be defined and then allow a mechanism for rapid "on the fly" switching between them? Are you planning to support SAPI 5?

Looks like a very well thought out system!!!
Dear Mike,

Your thoughts about having only 10 user variables is true, although useable, it does require more ingenious utilisation for a large system, and is becoming a limiting factor. This has already been foreseen and is to be the very next item that we had planned to improve within the next version 1 update, due out in about a month’s time. We are planning to increase the number of user variables to either 100 or 1000, selectable from a combo box.

We think that allowing a verbose message to use a different voice other than the default voice (depending on its importance, etc.) is a great idea and would be a nice feature. We should be able to implement this within the next release.

We are also hoping to place any verbose messages into a queue so that they are spoken in order of priority over & above first-in first-out, also avoiding the possibility of speech overlapping, with the ability for a priority message to interrupt a regular message, leaving the regular message in the queue to be spoken at the next opportunity.

We are hoping to support SAPI5 within the medium term, and are already investigating its SDK.

Many thanks for your interest and encouraging comments,

Robin Grunwald said:
We are also hoping to place any verbose messages into a queue so that they are spoken in order of priority over & above first-in first-out, also avoiding the possibility of speech overlapping, with the ability for a priority message to interrupt a regular message, leaving the regular message in the queue to be spoken at the next opportunity.

It sounds like it is going to be a great system! Don't forget when you do the message queue prioritization and message interrupt logic, to provide some method to keep any relays or switching devices in sync with the appropriate message.

In other words, if a low priority message for zone 2 is interrupted to play a high priority message in zone 4 then be sure the device switching the audio zones can keep up (otherwise your high priority message will play in the wrong place).

Be sure to keep us informed as you continue to make changes and add features!
Hi guys, it’s been a few days since we released Adaptive Home Logic v1.01. We feel that the program becoming fairly interesting and useful. We were just wondering what the group’s thoughts were concerning this application, what you like about it, or don’t like, what you would like to see in the next release, etc. Your feedback is appreciated for the next upcoming revision.

Thanks in advance,

Acentient Software

I'm not sure many people have had a chance to test it out yet. I know I haven't, even though it is on my To-Do list. I hope to find some time before the end of the month to download it and try some things.

If you are looking for an easy add, why not consider putting in support for Virtual Weather Station (VWS)? It will give you instant connectivity to almost every weather station made and all you have to do is parse a .csv file and load the data into your database.