Against a provision in energy bill.

I'm going to have to actually lobby against this with all of my representatives. Can't believe it but I've got to go against the grain regardless of the impact in terms of my "carbon footprint".

The heart of the matter is that a family member in my household has epilepsy and the CFLs and other florescent based lighting can cause seizures from longer term exposure. It's the 60Hz flickering that I've found is present in all CFL lighting regardless of the quality. Hope the bill provides a provision for those that have a medical necessity.

Guess I'll need to by several thousand dollars of lights before my rights are abridged and store them in the attic until technologies exist that provide lighting without a health risk.

As for others that don't have the health risk, is your HA setup able to handle CFL's? How many of you'll need to swap out dimmers for simple relay on/off controlls instead?

For the first time, I want to go out, find bambi and eat him! <_< Love this quote
The new rules will save consumers $40 billion in energy and other costs from 2012 to 2030, avoid construction of 14 coal-fired power plants, and cut global-warming emissions by at least 51 million tons of carbon annually, ACEEE says.
The irony about this, is that the US can avoid the coal fired plants (plus remove existing coal plants) if we used the new highly efficient and significantly less waste producing nuclear systems that is used almost exclusively in France. Since we seem to be emulating them so much on so many other decisions, why can't we entirely cut the cord to oil and coal based power and go that route. Seriously, we are wbaell over 30 years plus behind several European nations when it comes to electrical power generation.

With abosolutely no emissions and the power production from that system, we could all keep our inefficient incandescent bulbs and still have a carbon foot print less than the majority of the world. Plus my family member wouldn't be in serious risk of health impact from seizures. Many of the stores and other facilities we travel too have yet to move to CFL's, so that they still have a good quality of life. At some point all the eco-friendly lighting is going to be a serious issue for them.
Just go to Sam's club and by a few cases of lights. These should last at least your life time. I'm stock piling them now as I can't stand that yellowish color and none of them dim correctly. Not only that they flood IR receivers if you are not careful.

And as far as bambi goes, drop by and I'll give you some deer jerky and steaks. ;)
Well in that CA county, I hope any families in a similar situation such as mine sues the county for the health risk imposed. As I said earlier, epileptic seizures caused by CFL use is absolutely unexceptable.

I think there is a lot of misinformation about the health effects of CFLs. I found this helpful FAQ which seems to have the real scoop.