I have a seventy year old house that we built up in 2000. The new wiring is all neat and nicely labelled. The old wiring is a real mess - apparently over the years they just strung onto the end of circuits all over the house.
So I am going to start tracking it more closely - right now I have notes all over the panels as I go.
I wanted an app to do this - I found something called My Breaker Box but I could create something more useful than that app.
Does know of anything? If not then I will set about putting something together. Thanks.
So I am going to start tracking it more closely - right now I have notes all over the panels as I go.
I wanted an app to do this - I found something called My Breaker Box but I could create something more useful than that app.
Does know of anything? If not then I will set about putting something together. Thanks.