CAI WebControl Logger [Software]

I have not tested it on any Win8 PC.
But it should run just fine.
Anybody that have tried this?
Bought webcontoller back in 2012. couldn't make any use of it, since there wasn't Internet connection in a rural area, where I had intention to control heating etc. now, after 2years, internet connection is FINALLY there. it's not a broadband wire, but 3G wireless connection which is also not bad. I also got my fixed IP address, so I can connect to the  server from my home. Connected, tried - it works!
Now it's time to spend more on PLC, I/O, relays etc.
patience pays off... I hope :)
I'm still using Windows 7 and liking it.
My experience working with Windows 8 on a notebook PC wasn't good. (PC that I purchased as a gift).
If I decide to buy a new PC for my own use, I will not be buying anything with Win 8..
XP would be more preferable.
Hi, I have a request about translating the software to a different language. Is this something that more users would like?
I have done this before, adding a excel file for translating the strings used, then compiling it to a language file used by the program.
So, it can be done...
is there an actual explanation somewhere of what your software does and how much it costs?
I am looking for something as simple as changing the tags/ descriptions on the input/ output GUI.
rfeyer said:
I am looking for something as simple as changing the tags/ descriptions on the input/ output GUI.
Not sure if this is even remotely useful to you, but it's a small demonstration of something I've been playing with...
You can't save this code, just view, change (if you wish) and "compile" it.
At the bottom, click "Compile only" and your "commented source" complete with "useful labels" is converted into code ready to paste into the Webcontrol.
(If you wish, you can change the code in the first window before you hit "compile" to see the effect of changing things)

If there is (sufficient) interest, I'll probably be driven to finish it and make it available.
just acomment. using python and importing tkinter and connections, you could do whatever App you need, starting with ARM CORTEX A7 platforms, for example rasberrypi

You are just a wealth of information

I probably mis represented my question
I am looking to change the labels of the buttons on the inherent wc8 GUI. For instance, change TTL1 ON to DOWN

I am OK with not needing program labels

rfeyer said:
is there an actual explanation somewhere of what your software does and how much it costs?
I am looking for something as simple as changing the tags/ descriptions on the input/ output GUI.
Hi, the software is for free. The software can not do anything with the Web GUI, but you can rename tags inside the software. The program is made for storing logged data. Reading this thread will show what it can do.
Just download and try it for yourself.
is there any way to get the coding for this program?

I have been trying to research how to access WC via VB, but have never done internet/ CGI type work. I do know how to use VB in basic. Your code could be my learning tool
