Car RFID Security System Cracked

Current high line don't use a key. Just a keyless entry that when in proximity to your car, will allow you to tug the door handle to enter and push a button to start and go.
From the article:
All that would be required to steal a car, the researchers said, is a moment next to the car owner to extract data from the key, less than an hour of computing, and a few minutes to break in, feed the key code to the car and hot-wire it.
That's where I got "hot wire" from.
smee said:
From the article:
All that would be required to steal a car, the researchers said, is a moment next to the car owner to extract data from the key, less than an hour of computing, and a few minutes to break in, feed the key code to the car and hot-wire it.
Yea I'm sure theives are willing to do the hour of computing to steal a car. :lol:
they might. I wonder what the range on something like that is?

I would imagine they could walk around a mall parking lot picking up RFID codes like people do with WiFi, take 'em back to the Starbucks and use a high power RF transmitter while they're doing the cracking.

I don't know if that's how it works or not but it'd make the thiefs job a lot easier. Only need to go to the car once it's door is already unlocked.

Where's my tinfoil hat! I'm scared...