Carrier Infinity

thanks, will give the script idea a go, sudo it in the rc.local and document it when i get it working, let me know if you would like any info about my device 65 and 96 (one has to be the damper control).
is there something special about <1024 that the security model does things differently for those ports, or is it just an enforcement of convention so that folks know that a non-super user can never use those ports - it seems a poor security model to me to assume 1-1024 are 'safe'... but then i am a windows sysadmin and never assume anything about windows is safe <grin>
Added more instructions to the wiki, changed the formatting, even forced myself to figure out best way to get files from github to the pi without copying them to windows first and then via sftp to the pi - so cool, now i understand the git clone command.
I assume there is no easy way to update from github because we edit the infinitude file.  
Any thoughts of moving all the parameters out into a parameters file in the root of infinitude?
(hmm i guess i would have to find an alternate strategy to having to putting the explicit per path in the infinitude?
$cfg = new Config::Simple('infinitude.cfg');
our $config = $cfg->vars();
#Weather underground API key
wunderground_key: xxxyyyzzz

#State storage base directory
store_base: state

#RS485 serial tty interface
serial_tty: /dev/ttyUSB0

#Mojolicious cookie signature
app_secret: Pogotudinal

#Pass requests to Carrier webservice every 2 hours (set to 0 to disable)
pass_reqs: 60*60*2
Cool, thanks, I am one of these odd folks that has zero coding skills, but understands a little to be dangerous.
I will implement tonight on my system, then see if i can get nebulous to accept the change (i guess i could play with making my own branch) :)
Would definitely be easiest to fork it and then test out my code (as I didn't test it :eek: ).  If you get it working, you might submit your fork back and see what happens.
networkcrasher said:
Would definitely be easiest to fork it and then test out my code (as I didn't test it :eek: ).  If you get it working, you might submit your fork back and see what happens.
I think i got it working, needed a 'use Config:Simple;' adding to the header of infinitude and a 'my $cfg;' adding to the config section along with the code fragment above.  I also changed the pairs in the CFG file to 'varname value' - i saw a web post saying the delimiter is white space and wasn't sure if the : after the var name would affect it or not.  Seems to be working, though i made an edit on the local machine, did a git commit and the changes said they uploaded but didn't very odd?  so i made changes manually in my repository.  Thanks for encouraging me to learn.
Next i might figure out how to add the port and to the var file and read it with a start infinitude shell script :)
Sorry, I didn't realize how familiar with perl you were until after I posted the code. It was more meant as a pointer than conclusive. The : doesn't matter. The module will still import it with white space as well as a colon. There's actually a lot of different ways it will parse key value pairs into a hash. Either would work.
networkcrasher said:
Sorry, I didn't realize how familiar with perl you were until after I posted the code. It was more meant as a pointer than conclusive. The : doesn't matter. The module will still import it with white space as well as a colon. There's actually a lot of different ways it will parse key value pairs into a hash. Either would work.
Pointers are fine in my book so please don't say sorry!
I might try a = as the delimiter, i can find lots of bash script examples that use the = (and no i have never written a bash script either) but when it is white space it seems difficult.  Will keep you posted and thanks for the pointers.
Just to follow on the footsteps of scyto, I could use a few pointers on how to start snooping on my system...
With the holidays around the corner I am planning to stare at streaming data, but not exactly sure how to get there...
This is how far I got: I have an USB-RS485 adapter and wired it to my Carrier bus. The adapter is plugged into an Ubuntu box. I see the adapter to become available as /dev/ttyUSB0
I have the infinitude-master and brybus-master checked out from github.
infinitude starts up and I can connect to it from a remote browser.
I am getting some error messages from infinitude, when accessing the pages, but not sure how relevant they are.
But how would go about to continuously monitor the traffic on the Carrier bus? As explained by nebulous earlier , I will need to update the script to reflect the devices I have on my system.
From the wiki and previous posts I gathered that this is done by using the brybus python scripts from 3tones.
But this is the part where I am getting lost. I tried to run just about all of the brybus scripts, but none of the output matches anything close that is described in the wiki.
So how do I snoop on my system?
You shouldn't have to update the infinitude script to reflect anything other than your serial device to see the data flowing on the serial tab.  So long as the TTY setting in the infinitude file is right you should see data zipping by in the serial tab (even if the other tabs are not working at all).  If you don't then it could be one of a few things:
1) wiring issue, make sure the connections are tight
2) the make and model of serial adapter, i found the one suggested by nebulous didn't seem to work for me and caused nasty error messages on the thermostat.
3) your default ttyUSB0 settings are getting set to the wrong settings by something else (see my earlier thread)
If you have brybus, stop the infinitude and try the read raw and scandev scripts and see what they do, also if they error try unplugging and plugging the device in.
When i get home if i have time i will dig out my instructions and config files to help, I'll also look at creating wiki page of what i did with pictures of the connections but i am about to be Europe for 3 weeks so it may take a while... 
Bottom line the serial adapters and carrier seem a little flaky - for example when i reboot the pi it stops working and i have to unplug and plug in the USB again, at which point everything jumps into life.  This is why all my HA gear is on a tiny UPS (and everything that is 5v compatible gets powered from an antech USB adapter) so i get rid of as many wall warts as possible
I am new on this chain.  I have my second house with a Carrier Infinity system (LOVE IT!!!), and have a Elk M1 Gold which is currently controlling my lights, pool control and alarm.
I have for years resisted spending $1200+ for a SAM, so now hoping there is another way to integrate my HVAC with my Elk?  All of my sensors are currently wired, but perhaps adding wifi will help.
Even if I purchased a SAM, how reliable is the connection?  I can do the hook-up, but all of the technical testing may be over my head.
Any advice?   
Hi everyone,  I’m totally new to all of this, so please pardon my ignorance. I have a ISY994iZw/IR PRO that I’m using primarily as a lighting controller, with Mobilinc HD as my front end. I recently had two Carrier Infinity systems put in, and have a couple of System Access Modules (SAMs) on order (they’re supposed to be coming in today). If possible, I’d like to have the ability to control the thermostats from the Mobilinc interface, and ideally also be able to issue commands for them to do various things (go into a particular mode, set the temperature to a particular level, etc.) as part of programs on the ISY.

How should I begin to go about doing this? Will Infinitude allow me to accomplish what I need to, or is there other software I need to be looking at? Any pointers in the right direction would be most welcomed and appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!
Thanks 42etus, I've got the Carrier app too. I'd really like to be able to control the thermostats from the same interface as my lights and other devices, as well as to run event-based scripts involving temperature control.
Hi Markinpgh
I have carrier, infinitude and ISY.  What i haven't done yet is look at the infinitude rest interface to see what one would need to do in terms of creating a network resource.  In theory it is possible.
If you want to research the rest interface i can absolutely give it ago, i just haven't had time.  That said my infinitude has been running for months - my trick to getting it to work was connecting the carrier remote to the wifi hub included with the remote.  Without doing that it never worked!  Happpy to try and figure this out with you if you like?