Carrier Infinity

Ok, i figured out why serial stopped working but not how to fix it.
I am calling a startup script in /etc/rc.local to start infinitude (/home/pi/link/infinitude/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &).  
The script cd's to the dir where infinitude resides and then executes "./infinitude daemon -l http://:81"
If I kill the processes rc.local starts and then cd to the infinitude dir and run the command above i get a perms error on the socket, i know that is expected because of the port number and this doesn't seem to happen when it is chained from rc.local via the script.  So if i either run the command with sudo OR i remove the http://:81 then it will work and serial data will flow (though sometimes i still have to run to kick the serial stream into life).  this proves to me i don't need to sudo the command in the script or the calling of the script from rc.local (i think).
So i removed the -l http://:81 from the script to see if that would help and still no joy the serial will not jump into life.
What i don't know is this because of how i started it via rc.local OR is this the fact that sometimes when starting infinitude one seems to have to kick the serial bus with first.  
I am all most certain this is something to do with how the serial port is initialized, if i use sudo kill to kill the infinitude processes that rc.local and then run the command line separately it only ever seems to pick up serial data once i have run and done a ctrl+c
Any ideas?
(PS the SAM shows up nicely when it is working!)
I can confirm that device 34 is a version of the room sensor, the thermostat sends the following data, byte 7 and 8 are the heat setpoint and cool setpoint respectively for that zone (i have yet to put a second smart sensor in and see what device and address it gets).  I updated the wiki.
00 00 00 00 00 00 44 49 00 00 04 FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
markinpgh said:
Hey scyto,
I purchased a SAM late last year and only just got round to installing it. I'd be interested to hear what you end up doing with yours. I have mine plugged into my home network via an ELK-IP232 Serial to Ethernet Converter and so far can Telnet into it and issue commands, but that's about it :p Would be really nice if I had a GUI (in MobiLinc, for example) to use to, at the very least, view the temperature and set the heating/cooling points.
Is there some clever way we could get the ISY to see the thermostats? Maybe a virtual ("fake") Z-wave device, for example, that can be added to ISY but that simply relays commands to/from the SAM? Or is that too far fetched?
Kind regards,
I got mine setup and I am pulling the zone temperature data into my ISY HA controller (i am using a 3rd party tool called devlink to do this).  This puts temperature into the system as a variable.  This does means programs on the ISY can now react to the data but does not allow display as a thermostat to an ISY client like mobilinc or amazon echo.  On the upcoming v5 release of the ISY firmware there is absolutely the notion of virtual devices - these are called nodes.  However as a non-programmer i have no chance of figuring that out.  I am hoping the guy who wrote devlink might be willing to do that code as he puts devlink into his nodelink app that connects multiple device types to the ISY (including thermostats).
Another alternative is the vera home controller (i have one of those too) allows devices to be defined though the LUA language (json and javascript i think) this could absolutely be made to do it, but again would need to be done by a programmer - its beyond my skill.
link to devlink and all things ISY and nodelink
link to vera plugin development 
this has advantage of not having to parse the XML file returned by infinitude (which is way beyond my skillset)
I am using infinitude to parse data into homeseer and have very basic control (Using basic url commands) I can parse the xml, but curious how others are using this to control? There has got to be a better way than I am doing. Plus examples would help my brain. Thanks everyone that built this and worked on it.
I have setup the Brybus modules on a Raspberry Pi but am having a few problems identifying all the registers, I have to admit to being somewhat of a novice with Python.
I have two devices on the serial bus, a 58MVC furnace and a SYSTXCCUID01 thermostat.  If I run readraw I get all zero's until I hit anything on the thermostat and then the data looks good.  If I then run scandevtable I get a long list of data but then I just get "SEEKING" for ever.  At this stage I'm only looking to get a read out of the registers and am not proficient enough (yet) to work through the code to see where it's getting stuck.  Any advice gratefully received!
Would anyone please help me identify these 2 frame if they can.
40 01 20 01 03 00 00 0b  00 03 0a ed da
50 01 20 01  03 00 00 0b 00 3e 0a a9 8a
I'm particularly interested in the 03 and 3e @ offset 9.
Thanks Al
Those are requests from your thermostat
- to read register 00030A from your furnace (table 03 - "RLCSMAIN / INGUI" row 0A)
- to read register 003E0A from your heat pump (table 3E - "DCLEGACY" row 0A)
As to the definition of those two tables, unfortunately we still don't have a comprehensive definition. Hopefully others can contribute.
See the following wiki pages for more info:
Yea. I've pretty thoroughly studied your notes. Imported your java project into Eclipse, and have ported it over to C#
I have a buddy that works for Carrier, but even he is not privy to this level of technical knowledge.
Been scouring the internet for months looking for tidbits.
This bit of info you just game me will help collaborate my understanding.
Are az1324 or DevXen still active here?  I'd love to see the details on how to mimic a SAM which were provided and resulted in successful writes in late 2013/early 2014 according to the thread.  In particular I'm trying to understand how to populate the first three bytes of a write to control the bytes being written to the stat.
Anyone?  Thanks.
Hey guys, 
Hope you are doing well. I have been trying to install Infinitube to control / monitor my carrier system (systxcc4zc01). 
Up to now, I can receive some data from the DS485 bus, but the Status page gives me this message : {{ notifications.notification[0].message[0] }} {{ notifications.notification[0].timestamp[0] | date:"EEE yyyy-MM-dd 'at' h:mma" }}
Any idea how to fix this ? Anything missing in my setup ? 
Hey guys, 
Trying to understand how the system works, so please excuse my stupid/basic questions. 
I'm trying to capture the temperature / humidity from each zone. 
So with Cardump, I could figuring out the address of thermostats and the temperature readings. 
Time       From To Type Length Hex Content
1472666502 22 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 02 15 17 01 04 5c 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1472666504 23 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 01 12 18 01 04 5f 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1472666511 22 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 02 15 17 01 04 5c 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1472666512 23 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 01 12 18 01 04 5f 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1472666519 22 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 02 15 17 01 04 5c 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1472666520 23 20 06 23 00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 01 12 18 01 04 5f 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
I have 3 zones, 20 is the zone control thermostat (Infinity Zone Control), looks like the other 2 are only slaves and are reporting their values to the the master. 
The master is the only one with the ability to read humidity. As everyone looks like to be reporting to it, there is no need to transfer reading to itself. Looks like also the master will then  pilot the fan coil / heater / cooling for each zone. 
00 04 1e 10 00 00 00 00 01 would be the address and 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 would the value sent to the master, so in this case, 0x16 so 22 C. Am I correct ? 
Now, I'd like to get the telemetry from the fan coil, heater, cooling, any way to do some interogations ? 
If yes, what would be the way to do it ? Anyone as figured out the frame structure to interogate the other devices on the bus ? 
Thanks for your help ! 
> AZ1234
Thanks for your post. 
Stupid question, how do I send some requests to my infinity system ? 
I'm connected with a RS485 adapter, I can receive some data with Inifitube, I'd love to get some data from my Infinity zone master. 
Most specifically : 
2001,003B02,29 bytes
B3-B10: Z1-Z8 Current Temp
B11-B18: Z1-Z8 Current Humidity (same value, single sensor)
B20: Outdoor Air Temp
4,B21: Zone Unocc Bitflags
5,B22: Mode (0=heat, 1=cool, 2=auto, 5=off)
10,B28: Displayed Zone

2001,003B03,150 bytes
1,B3-B10: Z1-Z8 fan modes? (0 = auto, 1 = low, 2 =  med, 3 = high)
2,B11: Zone Hold Bitflags
3,B12-B19: Z1-Z8 Heat Setpoint
4,B20-B27: Z1-Z8 Cool Setpoint
5,B28-B35: Z1-Z8 Target Humidity?
6,B36: Fan Auto Cfg
8,B38-B53: Z1-Z8 Hold/Override Duration (2 bytes each)
9,B54-B149: Z1-Z8 Name (12 bytes each)
Any idea ? 
Hi All,
With the help from a kind gentleman on this forum I figured out how to mimic a SAM and write to my thermostat.  I've put together a program that exposes a web interface and JSON API to interact with the system.  I plan to add data logging in the future.  I'm interested to hear if it works for others.
acd said:
Hi All,
With the help from a kind gentleman on this forum I figured out how to mimic a SAM and write to my thermostat.  I've put together a program that exposes a web interface and JSON API to interact with the system.  I plan to add data logging in the future.  I'm interested to hear if it works for others.
I am very interested in your project.  Admittedly I am not a programmer of any kind, but would love to interface with my Infinity unit w/o purchasing a SAM.
I have a Carrier Infinity system with an Infinity Touch WiFI T-Stat
The system is installed at the cottage on an island that is difficult to get to the winter. Last year we had an issue that caused the Auxiliary electric heat unit to run most of the winter instead of the more efficient heat pumps. Needless to say this cost us about $15,000 for about 3 months of winter. Yes, Zoiks!!
I have read the manual and it doesn't appear the system will email notify us if it does switch to Auxiliary Heat. Does anyone know if that's true?
I do have a spare Raspberry Pi kicking around and could use it as a SAM (which i don't have) or remote access if it were possible to get alerts and more details about the system that way. I also have a Control4 automation system. 
What would anyone like to suggest?
Here's the equipment if that helps:

System Model:


Indoor Unit Model #:


Indoor Unit Serial #:


Outdoor Unit Model #:


Outdoor Unit Serial #:


Firmware Version:
