I'm in need of something that can have a number of switches connected to it and, when a switch is closed, a phone call is made.
I don't need any message played or data relayed through the call (the ringing phone and Caller ID will be enough) though, locally, I would want to know which switch was closed. (Nice option to get the "zone" info in an e-mail but not critical.) Very similar to a residential alarm system, but not exactly (no sirens, no central station, etc.).
I'm already familiar with the Elk M1G so I'm tempted to just use that but it's worth asking if anyone has other ideas.
I don't need any message played or data relayed through the call (the ringing phone and Caller ID will be enough) though, locally, I would want to know which switch was closed. (Nice option to get the "zone" info in an e-mail but not critical.) Very similar to a residential alarm system, but not exactly (no sirens, no central station, etc.).
I'm already familiar with the Elk M1G so I'm tempted to just use that but it's worth asking if anyone has other ideas.