Yet another smoke detector question...
Id just like to verify my wiring method is acceptable or is the common method and I'm just over thinking it...
I will have a COSMOD2W Module with 6ea 2WTA-B and 3 COSMO-2W detectors attached.
Power will be from an Altronix AL400ULPD4. In order to reset the detectors, the Elk's SAUX needs to remove power from COSMOD.
I was thinking of using the SAUX's power to energize an Elk-912 relay and put the 912 inbetween the AL400 and the COSMO instead of
shutting down the entire AL400 so other outputs of the AL400 can be used for motions and water sensors.
The 912 relay would be mounted inside the AL400 box and COSMOS external but adjacent.
Ive searched, but not finding a specific answer.
Thank you!
Yet another smoke detector question...
Id just like to verify my wiring method is acceptable or is the common method and I'm just over thinking it...
I will have a COSMOD2W Module with 6ea 2WTA-B and 3 COSMO-2W detectors attached.
Power will be from an Altronix AL400ULPD4. In order to reset the detectors, the Elk's SAUX needs to remove power from COSMOD.
I was thinking of using the SAUX's power to energize an Elk-912 relay and put the 912 inbetween the AL400 and the COSMO instead of
shutting down the entire AL400 so other outputs of the AL400 can be used for motions and water sensors.
The 912 relay would be mounted inside the AL400 box and COSMOS external but adjacent.
Ive searched, but not finding a specific answer.
Thank you!