Elk Command Delay for Insteon

Thanks Wayne... I downloaded PH yesterday evening and loaded it on the notebook but haven't given it a go yet.

If you don't mind a PH question? I'm guessing that I just connect my 2414S to the notebook running PH and the SDM to creat all the linking and then remove and connect it back to the Elk Serial expander?

Will hope to give this a try over the next few days.

Thanks again,
Yup, that will handle the actual Insteon linking. You also need to run elkinsteon.exe while PH is connected to the XSP. This gives the M1 knowledge of what links are on what address (1-255). eventually I think this will all be integrated nicer, but for now it works good! The hard part is finding the cable to connect the XSP to your PH machine and having it close enough.

Excellent Wayne... I now remember mention of elkinsteon.exe either from a message board or the PH docs I looked through a few days ago, but didn't understand how it all fit together yet.

To make sure I'm headed in the right direction, this is what I understand now:

PC running PH > 2414S to create the Insteon devices, groups & links.
PC running elkinsteon.exe > XPS to establish the Elk Insteon Database.
Lastly: XPS > 2414S to make it all work.

I can't wait until year 2026 when an 8 year old will be able to fully automate an entire house in under 4 hours (including a break for a peanut butter & jelly sandwich + nap). :D

Yup, assuming you are talking about the same PC in both steps since elkinsteon.exe needs to access the PH database. elkinsteon lets you specify what lights go to what address (1-192) and groups (193-254). If you are going to be doing a lot of tweaking, then you may want a second 2414 to leave connected to PH.
Thanks again Wayne. I was able to successfuly use PH to discover a handful of device and so I think I'm off and running.

Out of time today, but will come back to this with more focus soon.

Appreciate all your help!

FYI: The latest M1 software upgrade extended the lighting device delay time between transmissions.
Spanky said:
FYI: The latest M1 software upgrade extended the lighting device delay time between transmissions.
Was that documented or a big secret? I sure missed it in the release notes. Thanks :D

I'm pretty sure I downloaded the latest software for the XPS yesterday, but maybe not for the M1? I'll review and grab the newer code if I don't already have it.


I was indeed at an older firmware version on the controller. Have bumped it to v4.4.2 now and will see how things work!

Like Wayne, I didn't see mention of the increased delay between transmissions in the docs?

Thanks again,
Spanky said:
FYI: The latest M1 software upgrade extended the lighting device delay time between transmissions.
Thanks David,

I upgraded the M1 software over the weekend and did some quick Insteon testing today. Running a vew rules that manipulate 4-7 lights each seems to work fine after running them 3-4 times.

Before the firware upgrade, lights commands in these rules would fail almost everytime.

