Elk M1 Monitoring

Using the SIA or Contact ID protocols, most any central station will work with the M1 family of controls.

The soon to be released Ethernet monitoring on the M1XEP must currently go to a central station that has a GE Osborne Hoffman receiver that has an Ethernet card. Other manufacturers of receivers protocols will be available pending them giving us their ethernet protocols.

Sometime in the future, SIA will publish an industry standard Ethernet Protocol for central station monitoring. LOL.

Thank you for your help tonight on the phone. Elk clearly has the best support out there!

David tonight helped me set up the Elk in our offices for monitoring with www.NextAlarm.com . It was easy to set up and even worked on our VOIP lines without their Voip box that they sell.
Is there any word regarding the touchscreen elk devices?



Breaking news for CES attendees:
The ELK Touch Screen will be at the ELK Boothlet in the Insteon booth at CES along with Insteon being demonstrated with the M1.
Do you have a booth number David!?! (BSR loads fresh batteries in his digital camera :) )

EDIT: This will be at 26424 South Hall 2 ??
Madcodger said:
Price and availability, please! Have a nice spot picked out in the kitchen for it if I can afford it.
Glad to see you finally made it over here! Welcome to CocoonTech. Price hasn't been announced, but it should be good. Availability is likely February. See pictures in BSR's CES post.