Elk On-Line Training

I know that this has been asked before, but is there anywhere to download the Elk training videos?

I'd like to watch them when I don't have an internet connection but have time to pass (AKA on an airplane, etc.). It looks like they were removed from http://m1dealer.elkproducts.com/ website.

I've only seen videos on Setnet. Good for a beginner, but of questionable value for anyone that's worked on the panels before....or read the documentation actually (just how I viewed the information portrayed).
Not sure why, but I can't find much (well actually any) information on their website about the training even though the Elk website references them as well. The link on the elk website (http://www.setnetpro.com/elktrain.asp) actually redirects you to http://www.setnetpro.com. Searching for SetNet and Elk M1 Training returns a number of results, but all of the results seem to end up in 404 (Page not found) errors.

I'm guessing that I'll have to send off a few emails unless anyone else knows of other locations.
