Getting started with Insteon


Active Member
Greetings all. I'm in the process of designing a new home and want to invest heavily in HA infrastructure as part of the project. So I'm sure I'll be posting a lot of questions here. :)

Here's the first one:

After perusing the alternatives here and elsewhere, I'm leaning towards Insteon for lighting control due to the UPB sticker shock. Insteon seems to strike a good balance between performance / reliability and price. I thought it would be a good idea to put some in my current home to get used to the technology, quirks, etc. and learn what not to do when I build the new home.

I'm getting ready to place an order for the following items from

(1) Icon On/Off Switch
(1) Icon Dimmer
(2) Icon Lamp Dimmer
(1) Insteon PowerLinc Controller USB
(1) Insteon ControlLinc
(2) Insteon SignalLinc RF

In adddition, I have downloaded and installed HomeSeer 2.0 as well as the Insteon plug in.

What am I missing? Should this be enough to get me started?
Yup, that should get you started.

May I also suggest you check out I think Martin has to match SmartHome pricing on this stuff, but he is often lower on other stuff. And you get nice personal service. And he is an active member here. And it is his birthday. :)
Just wanted to say I went by Automated Outlet today and ended up going with UPB instead of Insteon. Martin is a great guy and was extremely helpful to a newbie (as I'm sure you all know). Looking forward to playing with my new toys and getting to know all y'all better. :)
Guy Lavoie said:
RandyKnight said:
Turns out these guys are local to me as well.
You cannot realize how fortunate you are (and how we're all envious!).
Actually WE are the fortunate ones. If AO was down the street from me I would already be divorced and declaring bankruptcy.
Steve said:
Actually WE are the fortunate ones. If AO was down the street from me I would already be divorced and declaring bankruptcy.

Funny...the same thought crossed my mind when I first posted my "fortunate" comment! :o
Good point on the proximity issue guys. Yesterday was a good example ... because he talked me into UPB ... just by going there I ended up spending $110 more than I had ordered online. ;)

At least they're about an hour away ... so I won't be "stopping by" every day. :D