HAI and compatible sprinkler computer - need suggestions


Hey guys just another quick question wih regards to HAI, I'm using an omnipro II and am about to put in my automatic sprinkler system, I have 6 zones and would like for my sprinkler stuff to be able to be controlled by my HAI touchscreens, im not sure if this is even a possibility, but if it is can you please ecommend a sprinkler computer that will be compatible? Thanks.

There are several ways to do it. One is to use relays controlled by the OmniPro II. If you are using UPB lighting, you may want to use a RainNet controller.

Do a quick search here on the forum for "Sprinkler" and you'll see several discussions regarding this.
The Rain8UPB controller by WGLdesigns works great. I have 16 zones and use 2 controllers with UPB. Each zone looks just like a light switch to the OmniPro II. I can control each zone manually or through scripts.

I am using the Rain8UPB PRO with my OmniPro II. Works great. I like using the Pro version because it has local control with an LED for each zone.