Haiku Haiku is now Space, available shortly!

Matt W said:
I’ll be honest I feel much the same way.. I actually like the Haiku layout better having a quickview page.  Other then some graphic changes I’m not sure if I had to do it over again I would purchase Space at this point. It seems that Haiku is more polished right now.
My recommendation is if you have Haiku, stay with it until theirs some more refinements to Space.  
I will throw my hat in too... It feels like Haiku 2.5 with a new skin (which looks great). We all know it will progress but are slightly disappointed we are paying for something that feels mid-cycle in development (and we weren't given any screenshots or videos of the app before purchase... maybe on purpose?)
If I had to give my own humble opinion, like others said, the more things we can do off of the home page in as little clicks and swipes as possible and the more info you can show there, the better. 
As a caveat, let me say I use neither Haiku nor Space but follow this forum closely.  My goal is Launchport + Space or Haiku.  For the record, I keep waiting for the house plan option to surface before adopting since my wife enjoys that view/interface.
For those disappointed, I kindly suggest two ideas:
1.  Reasonable expectations - Haiku has been out for years.  Space for days.  Give Space a bit of time and it will very likely surpass Haiku in terms of capabilities and design.  i.e. a lot of changes are probably "under the hood".  It takes time for the additional capabilities of those types of changes to be realized.  Your $30 may not seem a good investment today...but it most likely will seem like a no brainer by the end of the year (likely way sooner).
2.  Interface - Yea...its different.  Yea it may not be as optimized as Haiku.  But neither of those things is permanent.  One requires us old people to adapt.  The other just requires Lup and his team to revisit the design and take the feedback.
Now as for Lup, I think you and your team  should give serious consideration to designing / implementing an option for a more Haiku type interface option.  As its basically a layout/interface problem people are having, it should be possible to create an option that at least similar if not a reproduction of Haiku within Space.
Oh yea...and hurry up with a blueprint / house plan type screen for ipads  ;)
I'm certain over time we will see improvements in the Space interface and options. Not sure if this can be answered currently but it would be good to know if an OS update came out that required an update to either Haiku or HaikuHelper, will those products continue to be supported or has work concluded on them and all resources solely dedicated to Space at this point?
lupinglade said:
What do you have in the fields down below?
The ACTION and ADVANCED sections were not touched. They are at their defaults. I just tried to fiddle with them, though, and I can make the app crash every time I try to edit the Camera # field in the ADVANCED section now. I think I am going to reboot the phone and the app and see if that does anything. Will let you know.... [edited] nope, issues persist.
wboy said:
The ACTION and ADVANCED sections were not touched. They are at their defaults.
One issue that I see is that RTSP usually requires a path for the stream, you are just providing an IP and port.
But, I still can't click on any of the cameras after that without Space crashing, EXCEPT ONE - the one I have chosen a different port for (1109 versus the default 554). It was also the first one I put in, so maybe that has something to do with it also.
Also, do you mean you that one camera is crashing or all cameras except that one camera are crashing?
lupinglade said:
One issue that I see is that RTSP usually requires a path for the stream, you are just providing an IP and port.Also, do you mean you that one camera is crashing or all cameras except that one camera are crashing?
I have Blue Iris and VLC on my iphone set up to access the streams on all my cameras inside and outside of LAN with just an IP and port (and credentials) and they all work fine. And, remember, your app does grab and show a live video stream while I am still in the editing mode within cameras. It's only when I click on the thumbnail video stream to enlarge it where it crashes (and subsequently erases all of the newly input camera info). All cameras are crashing except the one with the nonstandard 1109 port which is, oddly, working fine. All cameras are the same make and model. 
wboy said:
I have Blue Iris and VLC on my iphone set up to access the streams on all my cameras inside and outside of LAN with just an IP and port (and credentials) and they all work fine. And, remember, your app does grab and show a live video stream while I am still in the editing mode within cameras. It's only when I click on the thumbnail video stream to enlarge it where it crashes (and subsequently erases all of the newly input camera info). All cameras are crashing except the one with the nonstandard 1109 port which is, oddly, working fine. All cameras are the same make and model.
This is better done via e-mail, so I will contact you via PM.
This is still an issue. As part of developing a product you should have the gear to test. All you really need is a Vrc0p and a Vizia RF light switch. I would really like a refund on the purchase of Space.
lupinglade said:
It does looks like we've got it fixed in Space 1.0. I don't have the hardware here to test, but no error when setting the level and the status is updated correctly on the controller. If you'd like to make sure we'd need access to a Vizia RF installation to test. You can PM me regarding this if you like.
brianjames said:
This is still an issue. As part of developing a product you should have the gear to test. All you really need is a Vrc0p and a Vizia RF light switch. I would really like a refund on the purchase of Space.
Could you provide some details? Perhaps we can correct the issue. Once again, we don't have access to the latest API docs so we are doing our best to support as much hardware as possible. I was not getting any error messages when testing. We do have the most popular gear, but not everything.

If you would like to proceed with a refund you will need to contact Apple -- developers do not have access to this.
Im just discovering Space and Haiku now as a replacement to my failed Omnitouch 5.7. For those of us who HATE the Ios 7 or 8 look, Will haiku still be around in the future? Space's UI looks ways too simple looking with no detail. Since when is anything with some detail and a drop shadow out.
tadtv said:
Im just discovering Space and Haiku now as a replacement to my failed Omnitouch 5.7. For those of us who HATE the Ios 7 or 8 look, Will haiku still be around in the future? Space's UI looks ways too simple looking with no detail. Since when is anything with some detail and a drop shadow out.
Yes, Haiku will remain available but development is moving to Space. Space offers generally the same (and more new) functionality that Haiku does without flooding the screen with text. Displaying a lot of textual lists is not a graphical interface and Haiku was done this way simple because its development dates back to the early days of iOS development. It has run its course and a modern UI and core was absolutely necessary. It is more graphical and touch friendly, much more responsive with lots of attention to detail. Keep in mind it was just released, so there will be more things coming for sure! For some people change is difficult, and we understand that, but we needed to modernize the software and everything was done with lots of thought and based on feedback.
You must not be following what Control4 is doing then because the text list view of lighting is something they are using with their app. In fact list text view of lighting is something that Control4 end users wanted and in the latest app that works with 2.6 it was completely redone and it matches the way you have Haiku. You were ahead of the big players and you more than likely did not even know it.

Unfortunately I went the Hai and Leviton switch route before I became a Control4 installer so now I run dual systems but I am being honest I use the Haiku app more than the Control4 when I want to control lighting or do other tasks that are not as simple to do in Control4.

I really think you misread the market and what people want in a automation app. You have a an amazing foundation "Haiku" to build on I am not sure why you did not build on top of it? Anyone that has downloaded your app has invested a lot of money in their Automation System so if you came out with a new app every year that was similar to the Haiku app I am sure people would have no problem shelling out $30-50 a year to keep you interested in further deleopment. I know I would have.

The bottom line for me is unless I see a drastic change to the UI in regards to user friendly operation I will not buy any more apps you publish. I have way too many lights in most of my rooms to have to scroll through circles to find the light I want. I am slowly migrating over to control4 so at some point I can dump my HAI panel and you will not hear my bitching any more.

In the mean time can you fix the issue with Zwave lighting and the scene buttons saying "controller command failed" the issue has existed for a couple of years now.

lupinglade said:
Yes, Haiku will remain available but development is moving to Space. Space offers generally the same (and more new) functionality that Haiku does without flooding the screen with text. Displaying a lot of textual lists is not a graphical interface and Haiku was done this way simple because its development dates back to the early days of iOS development. It has run its course and a modern UI and core was absolutely necessary. It is more graphical and touch friendly, much more responsive with lots of attention to detail. Keep in mind it was just released, so there will be more things coming for sure! For some people change is difficult, and we understand that, but we needed to modernize the software and everything was done with lots of thought and based on feedback.
I am not sure that textual lists are the future of home automation. I am surprised to hear Control 4 is switching to this, I have certainly not heard anything about it.
I have way too many lights in most of my rooms
I am a bit surprised about this too... do you mean you have more than 16 individually controllable lights in a room in many cases? That seems like an extreme edge case scenario. And even if that is the case, I don't think that is handled any better in Haiku or any other app really. That is a large number of lights for one room.

Alternatively, if what you are saying is that you have a lot of lights altogether -- the solution is to put them into Extended Setup Rooms and you will be able to access them comfortably, grouped by room.
In the mean time can you fix the issue with Zwave lighting and the scene buttons saying "controller command failed" the issue has existed for a couple of years now.
We're not seeing this error in Space, do you mean in Haiku?

Anyway, we are doing everything to get it "right" with Space. And while we don't plan to switch to a textual list, we are bringing more information in at your fingertips in the next updates.