I'm getting accurate UPB Status in Elk M1G thanks to Elve


Senior Member
Hi All,

I figured I'd do a post about this... there's always been the issue of the Elk not keeping track of lighting changes when affected by a scene... well, lately I had been noticing that I seem to have pretty accurate status in my M1 despite the use of a few scenes - it always looks pretty accurate. I'd suspected it was Elve and posted about it but never confirmed.

Well, I finally took a couple minutes to test - Elve's UPB had been disabled for a couple days while I was working on some things - and sure enough, in M1ToGo, the statuses were all screwed up - so I put Elve in verbose logging and re-enabled UPB, and watched the Elk - and rather quickly, as Elve ran through requesting status of all the lights, I watched the status in Elve shoot to the correct position.

So - to clarify, this is using the $99 entry level version of Elve; I don't have any screens built - just the rules engine running using basically no resources on my HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server - but it does have its own PIM as does the M1... and thanks to the beauty of UPB and being totally controller-less, you can have multiple PIMS and Controllers and it makes no difference at all... and whenever a device requests a status, anything watching the powerline sees it.

I just figured that was worthy of a specific post for anyone who's ever been bothered by the status issues in Elk... I still use M1ToGo and ElkRMS and eKeypad - just haven't gotten around to making screens for Elve - and it's always nice and accurate for me.