M1XEP went away

Can someone please provide me with the instructions on how to use the cross over cable? I have the cable but need the procedure to test it.

Here's what I did. Follow the instructions in the M1XEP manual (page 23) for setting the XEP to a static IP address. Note that you have to wait until the RJ45 jack is blinking (two quick blinks) to remove the jumper -- do not power down, just remove the jumper.

Then, set the ip address on your computer to something that can see it, such as (the M1XEP will be address Then, open a DOS window (Run, CMD), and try to ping

To set your ip address (using windows), you have to go into your network settings and choose a fixed ip address. you can verify it by doing an ipconfig from the DOS window.
If you got your M1XEP within the last 30 days, you may want to update the M1XEP software. There was a software issue about holding the static IP address in a late version of the Ethernet Can Module on the M1XEP. This does not sound like your problem however.
It is not. Mine disapperead the minute I chaged the router and is stillmissing. I will update once I complete some more testing.

Is anyone else who upgraded ELK RP dot 16 having any similar issues. I really cant see how by just changing the router this could happen.

Check your network cable too.

I had this problem when I first connected my Elk M1XEP. Turned out to be the network cable. Make sure the cable you use is category 5 and is pinned out according to the standard. The balanced pairs should be 1 and 2, 3 and 6. Anything else could result in some major packet loss, especially on longer runs. As a point of reference, I sent my Elk M1XEP over 1,000 pings and didn't lose a single packet.

Did all the test but does not work. Router see it so it is not a cable or a router issue. The IP gets assigned but no ping.

Call Elk Tech Support. When I had the same issue, I had to send it in for a firmware flash. taht solved my problems and it is working terrific now.
Since you've already been working this doesn't apply - but for first-use issues:

My "primary" switch in my house is a Dell Powerconnect 3024 (fully managed, vlans). Had it for years. I couldn't get any link lights on the switch with a known good cable and the M1XEP. Swapped cables. Checked/forced speed and duplex. Nothing.

I switched to using a 4-port Netgear between them and it worked fine. Likewise, I tried it against a Cisco Catalyst 2900 (on my work bench) and it worked just fine.

The M1XEP is based on a Digi Ethernet interface module and subsequently I've purchased some Digi One SP's to use a serial/IP converters and they don't work with the Dell switch but work fine with the others.

Before anyone asks - No I haven't done any firmware upgrades on the Dell switch.

So, while managed switches (at least in the past) may not have been "normal" the Digi module in the M1EXP at least has issues with one vendor's switch.

I did a firmware update on my Panel and the Ethernet interface disappeared. I was finally able to ping it however it would not communicate with the M1G. Appears the webserver in the RJ45 jack was responding to pings however thats about it.

I returned it to my dealer in Australia and swapped it out. He said "thats the first one ever we've had that failed"....go figure :)

Anyway, loving the ELK !
