I thought this recent facebook article by Mark Zuckerberg about how he automated his house by himself was worth sharing with this community, especially for those of you who prefer to make & build the software & hardware like I do. Impressive that someone as powerful & busy as the CEO of Facebook can turn some of his spare time / energy into solving the home automation problem by getting his hands dirty.
Not sure about the quote of only spending 100 hours to make all this work, I somewhat doubt he did it alone.... Interesting anyway.
One of the things I've been thinking lately about home automation is how we are seeing a shift from the old command / trigger / control of packages like Homeseer and Charmed Quark into the realm of context aware voice recognition (ala Alexa / Google Home) and as importantly artificial intelligence compute power applied to home automation systems so the HA systems are more intuitive and insightful (eg. facial recognition to personalise the music & room settings as described in Mark's article). This needs the power of the cloud and although I don't believe home automation systems should be solely cloud based (eg. for latency and reliability reasons) I do believe the richness and power of cloud systems can add huge value to home automation systems.
Not sure about the quote of only spending 100 hours to make all this work, I somewhat doubt he did it alone.... Interesting anyway.
One of the things I've been thinking lately about home automation is how we are seeing a shift from the old command / trigger / control of packages like Homeseer and Charmed Quark into the realm of context aware voice recognition (ala Alexa / Google Home) and as importantly artificial intelligence compute power applied to home automation systems so the HA systems are more intuitive and insightful (eg. facial recognition to personalise the music & room settings as described in Mark's article). This needs the power of the cloud and although I don't believe home automation systems should be solely cloud based (eg. for latency and reliability reasons) I do believe the richness and power of cloud systems can add huge value to home automation systems.