Monitoring service for Canada?



I'm looking for a good monitoring service in Canada. I'm located in Montreal, Quebec. I have an Elk M1G system and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations of a monitoring company that will support the system over POTS. Eventually, I am thinking of installing either an IP or cellular backup as well.

My insurance company has a deal with Chubbs, but apparently they won't support the M1G system.

Any suggestions?



I'm looking for a good monitoring service in Canada. I'm located in Montreal, Quebec. I have an Elk M1G system and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations of a monitoring company that will support the system over POTS. Eventually, I am thinking of installing either an IP or cellular backup as well.

My insurance company has a deal with Chubbs, but apparently they won't support the M1G system.

Any suggestions?



pm sent
I'm in the same boat, but in the Ottawa area. I'm looking for basic monitoring, but places like won't touch my HAI OmniPro panel.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, especially for services priced $15/month or less!

I wish AlarmRelay had a Canadian branch office :-(
Montreal here, too.
I tried calling all of the major players that I could think of and no one was interested in monitoring my system. Some never even called me back after I left a message. I'm really interested in what you turn up.
The dealer that i know is willing to monitor hai or elk panel but you will need to program yourself because they are based in Vancouver. 19.99 per month with one year contract. If interested pm me so you can contact the dealer directly. I am not affiliated with this company