N00B Requesting Help With New Thermostats


I manage a self storage facility and have begun the odyssey of learning about DIY HA and smart buildings (originally for my own home). As the person who knows the most, I am also the de facto IT guy. Am planning to install an Elk M1 or HAI panel for alarm and automation in the near future. Which leads me to my main question:
Question 1
The thermostats need to be replaced throughout and I have ownership's attention because of some spikes in utility costs. I need recommendations from those in the know about what thermostats would be suitable that have the following criteria:
1. WiFi capable
2. Have a web-based management capability to show usage and info
3. Can be controlled via the web using a smart phone
4. Later on can be integrated with the HA/alarm panel I run
5. Ideally all of the thermostats can be managed
I have seen a demo of the Honeywell RedLink system for residential use, too bad it is not extendable.
System Info
We have multiple single-stage roof-mounted forced-air heaters/air conditioners that supply air to the storage spaces. Standard single zone with ducting from the main plenum to around 8 individual spaces each and also a corridor register. Each unit runs from one thermostat. I can get model numbers and photos when I get in if necessary.
Desired End Goals
Phase 1 Start with smart thermostats so I can begin looking at usage trends and develop better programs to control them, lowering costs.
Phase 2 Connect with an Elk or HAI to integrate management and control capabilities (ie rules programming if someone opens the outside door to fire that unit for 10 seconds).
Phase 3 Eventually, I would love to install inline auto dampeners for the runs to each storage space and install a temperature probe in each, so that we have individual air management to each space. That will be costly but greatly lower our operating costs.
I have been diving headfirst into HA, but there is a bewildering amount of info and learning to gain. I love this, but I have to make a recommendation back to the powers-that-be in the next few days. HELP A NEW GUY PLEASE!!!! :)
Welcome to CocoonTech!
It's funny you mention smart thermostats, as I just created a database for them (check it out here).  I just haven't had time yet to popular the database with more entries since I have been so busy with other site-related projects.
Personally, I really like the HAI Omnistat2, they have multiple versions (Z-Wave, ZigBee, etc.).
HAI Omnistat2's are the best, and Zigbee models allow mesh networking. The Omni Pro II can control 64 of these, and Haiku & HaikuHelper can allow access of the HAI Omni Pro II from a smartphone or the web.  But also keep in mind these thermostats run $400+ each. 
There are systems to allow zoning with dampers, but these are made for home applications.  You have more of a commercial installation, so this would be a giant project. 
Not sure where you live or what your utility bills are, but these systems could take some time for a payback.  There might be other solutions that are more cost-effective.