Next CQC Class: Event Management, 9/22, 8:30am PST


Senior Member
As my Yom Kippur gift to the CQC community, I will be doing the first (for me) class on Event Management within CQC on 9/22, from 8:30am PST->10:30am PST. I'm going to target having 60mins of content, with 30 mins interspersed for Q&A. I'll ask Klindy to setup a gotomeeting for 2 hours just-in-case, so I have a 30min contingency.

I have yet to do a detailed agenda or powerpoint, but I'll be covering automated events, triggered events, and how to integrate this into the various other bits of CQC (ie, variables driver), how to generate the outcome I wanted.

Login details will be posted a few days beforehand, please RSVP here if you'll be attending live. It'll be recorded for those who can't make it, but given that it took 5 recording attempts and i've got perhaps 15 CQC 101 sessions under my belt, it might be a little rough around the edges.
Cool; btw, getting dry runs of these under my belt is the holdup for me arranging the actual first CQC class down @your location. The Editor class was a little harsh, it was clearly my first one, so I need to do that again so it's not so ugly.