Playing MP3s via HA controller


I'm a DYI'er and just completed the installation of my system...Omnipro II integrated with Nuvo Grand Concerto using both a Music Port and T2SIR.

Has anyone been able to control the Music Port to get it play specific mp3's? What I'd like to do is create automation to provide a tour of the house...i.e. click a button via touchscreen to start the tour in the foyer then tour on Foyer lights and play an MP3 over Foyer audio zone describing features of Foyer, with the voiceover of the MP3 ending in, "now go to the Living Room and touch any light switch to continue". With a flag set that I'm in "tour" mode, touching any light switch in the LR would simply continue the process...i.e. set LR lights and play an MP3 describing the LR features.

From PC Access, I can easily set Audio zones, sources, volume, etc., but I don't see how to play an MP3 on the Music Port source.

Thanks for you help!
I don't have a music port so I can't really help, but I just wanted to say it sounds like a really cool idea (especially for a house for sale or a model home) and, Welcome to CocoonTech...