Premise Premise Z-Wave support?

Motorola Premise
I had to use an XP machine to get the firmware update to fully complete. It doesn't seem to work under Windows 7...

When I used Windows 7, I had the same issue as you, but I cycled power to the VRC0P and switched to XP and everything was fine after that.

Forgot to mention an XP virtual machine didn't work (or the issue was with my USB to serial adapter?), I actually had to use XP. I hope you have an older machine around to try...
I had to use an XP machine to get the firmware update to fully complete. It doesn't seem to work under Windows 7...

When I used Windows 7, I had the same issue as you, but I cycled power to the VRC0P and switched to XP and everything was fine after that.

Forgot to mention an XP virtual machine didn't work (or the issue was with my USB to serial adapter?), I actually had to use XP. I hope you have an older machine around to try...

I got it to work finally. I had it on a 25 ft serial cable so I tried it on the one supplied with the vrcop and it updated. What a relief.
The cable could have been my issue too.

What worked under XP: A Digi Edgeport 8 port usb to serial adapter

What didn't work under an XP Virtual Machine or Windows 7: A cheap USB to serial cable made by Prolific (was generically branded by someone else when I bought it).
So, how is the new VRC0P firmware rev working? Is it any more stable than the previous rev. I've been holding off on the purchase until the thing gets a bit more solid...
I'm not sure what they added or changed in the new firmware. I would hope Leviton would email me and tell me to try it if they fixed my problem, but who knows.

It's too much work to put it back on my main network to test, then have to take it off again. For now, I'm going to keep it on a 4 node network composed of locks only. Running two z-wave networks (different home ids) seems to work well and is transparent to Premise.

I heard from Worthington that the kwikset locks can only be associated with one controller (can't use the newer scene/zone controllers with 4.52 and use a VRC0Pv3 with them at the same time), so there's probably no benefit to having everything on a single network right now.

It now seems stable enough with just 4 locks in my testing (and nothing else). Just make sure you have a good signal path (20-30 feet with one wall or 50 feet with no walls and etc). You can use a Lantronix WiBox (works fine with Premise) to place the VRC0P as needed.
An engineer at Leviton emailed me back and I asked him if my issues had been addressed.

He says he believes they've fixed the unresponsive issue, but the file he sent is newer than the firmware on the website:
$Leviton(C) 2008 V2.33S/Z-Wave 3.11

I'm still in the process of testing it. So far, things look a lot better. With the factory firmware on the VRC0Pv3, things would freeze up after 80-120 commands sent as described below. With version 2.33, the VRC0Pv3 still becomes unresponsive in my tests, but only after: 1050, 1500 commands and 1012 commands. However, unlike before Premise was able to recover things by sending ">AB" and resetting the port. In real world use, this may be more than acceptable. I can't envision any scenario that's as aggressive as the test described below:

The burn in test I performed is as follows:

To test things, I use a macro to send an ON command separately to each lighting node. Premise waits for an E000 and X000 response, before sending the ON command to the next node. After all nodes are ON, an OFF command is sent one node at a time in a similar manner; after a 25 second timer expires, the whole process repeats. This allows all lights (39 nodes in this case) to be toggled on/off. With the older VRC0P, I ran this for many hours and had 0 errors, and it never froze up.
So the VRC0Pv3 nolonger becomes uresponsive after 1000-1500 jobs. It's fixed sort of...

To fix it, I had to modify the JobQueue. If more than one job is in the queue, the module will now wait ~700ms after receipt of <X000 before sending the next job (but only if more than one job exists in the job queue at a given time). This isn't ideal, but I'm hoping Leviton will work on a fix (they've been very responsive thus far). I tested over 9000 jobs using the VRC0Pv3 with this module and received no transmission errors at all!

For now, I'd say the VRC0Pv3 is stable as long as the 700ms delay doesn't bother you... Most of the time the VRC0Pv3 clears the queue faster than you can click a button, so the job queue empties itself and the 700ms delay is never used. Only things like polling are likely to see the 700ms delay.

To Install:
1. Navigate to Modules.Leviton and delete it (this is very important, if you don't do this you'll end up with duplicate GUIDs and SYS will not like this).
2. Right click on import and import the updated XDO.
3. Navigate to Devices.CustomDevices
4. Right click new -> ViziaRF
5. Navigate to Devices.CustomDevices.ViziaRF
6. Set VRC0Pv3 to true by clicking the checkbox.
7. Set Network to whatever COM port you're using.
8. Scroll to the bottom of the properties for ViziaRF; note the new properties with the heading BurnInTest

BurnInTest properties:
Click RunTest to start.
Click Stop to stop the test.
You can also adjust Periodicity by typing some number.
This test is basically for me to use to check my network and test firmware versions of the VRC0Pv3.

When you click stop, an event will be set that will display important values such as transmission errors, total jobs and total failed jobs. All job counts displayed under the ViziaRF object will reset the next time RunTest is toggled.

The burn in test can also automatically stop during the first job timeout if you set StopOnFirstJobTimeout to true (its default value is true). If StopOnFirstJobTimeout is false, the test will be stopped on the first interface failure or when you click stop. This test will never continue once an interface failure is reached and will be automatically stopped and an event set. All test results are stored under Monitor->Events as: Test result_n where n is the test number.

JobQueue properties (Navigate to Devices.CustomDevices.ViziaRF.JobQueue):
You can change JobTimeout directly by typing some job timeout value.
You can also have the driver wait ~700ms following receipt of <X000 before sending the next job. To do this enable AddDelayForNextJob.


  • ViziaRF
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So for people who want to set up Premise VRC0P support, are these statements accurate?

- The wiki at has a "z-wave" hyperlink which leads to the W800RF32 (X10 RF) download page. Do not use this link.

- The VRC0P plugin + instructions are in etc6849's forum posts. Nothing from the Downloads section is needed.

- ViziaRF v18.8 is the latest version and it has preliminary support for VRC0Pv3 (with the 700ms delay workaround).
yes, this is all correct. I don't have rights to change the wiki :(

once the module is finalized, it will be added to the download section.

PS: the burn in test is really a neat feature for you if you're debugging a network. You'll be able to examine failures on a per node basis by examining each device object.
Dan- can you give ETC8649 admin rights to update the wiki?

If that happens, can ETC update the wiki to include what Z-Wave devices will work with the latest correct driver(s)?

In the meantime, what Z-Wave devices will work with the latest correct driver(s)? I'm ready to plunge in, but want to make sure I can do:

Electric plugs
Sprinkler system

Any others?
Normally, anyone can update the wiki, but the company responsible for the 'bridge' software which links wiki accounts with forum accounts has ceased development, and it is no longer compatible. I'll see if I can fix this,since I want to update the wiki myself as well. Feel free to remind me if you don't hear about this in the next few days, but I just added it to my list (going to be a busy weekend).
The list seems to be growing and growing. No native sprinkler support. However, you could probably use contacts and get it to work. I'd much rather use a Lantronix WiBox with an RS232 sprinkler controller.

A few of the supported devices:
Wall Controllers (with buttons) (ViziaRF+ zone controllers with switch is the best option for now as it also functions as a switch and 4 button controller plus up/down buttons).
Motion Sensors
Temp/Humidity Sensors
Door Contacts

PS the latest file is found here and now adds support for in-wall controllers:

It appears I can't modify my post from earlier since it's been too long...
Dan- can you give ETC8649 admin rights to update the wiki?

If that happens, can ETC update the wiki to include what Z-Wave devices will work with the latest correct driver(s)?

In the meantime, what Z-Wave devices will work with the latest correct driver(s)? I'm ready to plunge in, but want to make sure I can do:

Electric plugs
Sprinkler system

Any others?
Etc - I'm baffled.

Vizia Z-Wave module. Didn't pick up the VRI06-1LZ...thought it may because its a 1LZ vs 1LX...created a 1LX after a while.

In either case, I can control the light from SYS, but not getting any device name, model etc.

VRC0P ID is right - all of the other devices working fine. Tried going back to the ThinkStick - picked it up right away...

I've restarted services a number of times, reboot the server, still nothing. Maybe something will happen while I'm out for an hour or two..

Ideas ? :blink:
Sorry, I have been on travel.

Oddly enough, just now, sitting in the airport waiting for the flight, I fired up the Builder, logged into the home 'op' environment. (C'mon. How cool is that? The Premise guys...amazing!)

Went to Custom Devices->ViziaRF. Set the association to '4'. Hit get device name, etc. Bam! There it is. Not exactly sure what caused it before or what solved it. It probably was solved because I wasn't working on it! :blink:

I'm using the stuff as you described - ThinkStick and the Levition SW. The Primary Controller is the plug-in device...