Protect Your Home with Laserbeams

As cool as this sounds, it isn't exactly practical for a security system. The laser diodes used in pointers only have a lifetime of 3000 to 10000 hours. That's only 125 to ~400 days. It would really suck having to replace the laser every 4 months to 1 year.

I suppose you could rig up a more complicated system where the laser was on for only 1/1000 of a second, every second. This would certainly extend the lifetime of the system, but would require some more complicated detection circuitry.
What you are looking for is called a Beamsplitter (also sometimes spelled as two words). You can find some better quality ones here that are a good value.

This is actually a division of the company I work for, but I am not getting any commission for referrals.

Neat. I thought of that a while ago for another purpose, but I need to figure out how to split the laser into two beams without having to use two lasers. I was thinking of fiber optics, or possibly some sort of prisms. Anyone have any good ideas?