Purchase of Fujitsu Stylistic 3400s


Hi all,

Has anyone delt with Laptop Enterprise on eBay for the purchase of the Fujitsu Stylistic 3400s?

They are selling for $200 and have new passive screens and Windows 2000 Pro installed.

I would like to purchase one of these units and try and install Homerunner on it for use with my Stargate SG-IP.

Any help appreciated.

I got one, although I paid $165 buyitnow for one with W2K on it. Odd, must have been moving quickly. I just looked at it, doesn't say 3400s, but there is an s at the end of the model # (starts with 4203.....s)

The ones I got work with your fingernail [not finger], for some technical reason I don't know. My wife put a ballpoint pen with the tip removed on top of the frame it's on.
I have an ethernet card in one, a wifi card in the other. Works fine. They were <$10 on eBay.

If you search here on wallmounted, you'll find pics of mine.

I was hoping that you would respond to this topic!

I have seen your threads and I must say that you have done an impressive job with your 3400.

The eBay seller says that the units are referbed with new passive LCD panels. For some reason, I get the feeling that the passive panels work better with your finger than the active panels that require a stylus. Anyone have any thoughts on that comparison?

Thanks for the input.

yeah, my laptopenterprise 3400 works fine with a _fingernail_, not finger. It does NOT need an electronic stylus, any sharp tip will do.
I bought two of them from that same seller. One already arrived and the other is on the way. I got mine for $169 and the one I have so far is in excellent condition - no screen problems etc. Assuming the other arrives in similar condition, consider me a satisfied customer.

Also, the digitizer has 'palm rejection' logic which means it ignores large areas being preseed (like a finger) and only responds to small areas being touched. You can use any type of plastic stylus or similar item. It's a passive digitizer so it doesn't require an active stylus.

The 4203S model has the 800x600 (svga) screen the 4203TX has the 1024x768 (xga) screen.
I've bought two 3500s from them. They were good to deal with. I agree with the "fingernail not finger" aspect; Progear units work with fingers Fujitsus require a point.
My seller was com2computer -

i don't think they have much clue what they are selling.. i lucked out and ended with the XGA 1024x768 - much sharper than the 800x600.

the touchpanel is nice except for the upper right corner..

it was $70.

tempted to buy a couple more. I am amazed at how well these run windows XP.. able to play divx... i want to leave these all over the house running xlobby clients.. maybe one for GPS in the car.. great for surfing in the toilet... great deal for $70.. much better than an old laptop..
My seller was com2computer -

i don't think they have much clue what they are selling.. i lucked out and ended with the XGA 1024x768 - much sharper than the 800x600.

the touchpanel is nice except for the upper right corner..

it was $70.

tempted to buy a couple more. I am amazed at how well these run windows XP.. able to play divx... i want to leave these all over the house running xlobby clients.. maybe one for GPS in the car.. great for surfing in the toilet... great deal for $70.. much better than an old laptop..
tomtnt said:
My seller was com2computer -

i don't think they have much clue what they are selling.. i lucked out and ended with the XGA 1024x768 - much sharper than the 800x600.

the touchpanel is nice except for the upper right corner..

it was $70.

tempted to buy a couple more. I am amazed at how well these run windows XP.. able to play divx... i want to leave these all over the house running xlobby clients.. maybe one for GPS in the car.. great for surfing in the toilet... great deal for $70.. much better than an old laptop..
Was that a 3400 from them? How much RAM are you running?

I bough 1 3400s from Laptop Enterprise, works great, touch screen is perfect. Using for Main Lobby.
I've got one on the way from Laptop Enterprise as well. The newest batch says the screens are new.
Mine came. Took it out of the box, plugged it in and booted it. Happy with my purchase, now I need to put it to work. I am curious to see what this looks like with CQC on it.
You guys should check out this thread, which shows how a CQC guy got a custom aluminum frame and mounted it in the wall to have a flushmount look&feel.
Wow. That is nice looking. Speaking of these tablets, anyone have first hand experience between a 3400 and a 3500? I chose the former as for later CPU's there is a big difference between a pentium and a celeron. Since the 3500 was a celeron and cost more (granted a higher clock speed) I went with the Pentium 3 based one (that and I knew it was being used the way I was anticipating to use it from members here).

Anyone compared the two directly?