I received my 8" touchscreen last Monday and other than open it up and check that it actually powered up, I have not had the time (yet) to do further testing.
Here is what I found out so far:
The touchscreen appears to be finger activated as the included stylus is not an active device (just plain old plastic stick). On the touchscreen there are buttons for Power, Menu, REST (still haven't figured this one out) and Mode. The Mode button toggles through 4 different settings (VGA, Video1, Video2 and FM). Nothing more on this yet. The remaining modes apparently will not work without a supplied video signal. The back of the screen has connections for VGA and USB and Power(USB I believe for the touchscreen part as opposed to a serial connection). There are two short cords on the back which mate with included cords for the power, video, sound, and VGA connections. There are two cords supplied for power and video. One has stripped, tinned power leads for wiring to a car's 12V system. The other cord supplies power through a supplied 12V wallwart. These cords use (what appears to me at least) unique plugs that resemble PS2 type connectors. They are very robust and lock together pretty well via the surrounding rubber boots. There is another cord that converts the PS2-type connector to a standard SVGA connector.
It appears to have two integrated speakers (grills on the back but not yet proven) and has a standard telescoping antenna (presumably for radio) mounted on the top right corner. When completey collapsed, it does not get in the way and is unobtrusive.
Also in the box is a stand for the monitor which mounts on the back and is actually pretty stable. It allows for tilt and swivel and a small range of vertical adjustment. There is also a CD which presumably hold necessary drivers. It is obviously a copy (CDR) and totally unlabeled.
Now the bad part: Don't look for any help in the included manual. It's a REALLY bad translation of another language and has really nothing useful other than describing some functions in really bad English. Not helpful at all. I guess somethings I'll have to figure out myself.
I should have more after this weekend.