I'm not sure on the transformer location, I'll have to check. X-10 was very weak across phases but did work, but a repeater solved that. Even more scarry in my house is that UPB is not even reliable on the same phase, and at times I get a noise level in the severe range.
I'm committed to UPB and currently have a full X-10 setup including maybe 5-6 X-10 filters. I have 100% X-10 reliability but my switches are failing as they are getting pretty old. (Contacts are wearing out.)
I'm ripping out X-10 and installing $2500+ in UPB switches so I have my fingers crossed. I do have lots of electronic stuff in my home, including 2 PCs (1 of HomeSeer, 1 a Windows MCE), 3 Macs, 5 TVs including one large screen, color laser printer, etc. Nothing really out of the ordinary but on the heavy side.
So, UPB is not a slamdunk for everyone unless my house is 1 in million, which I don't think it is. The fact that Simply Automated is making UPB filters is reassuring to me and the main reason I went ahead with UPB. Love the features of UPB but I don't think its going to easy. Wish me luck.