Haiku Using Amazon Alexa devices (Echo, Dot, Tap, etc.) with HAI

Any time I see something work for one person in php and/or rest and the only diff is the username has a space in it and the password has a special character, I'd personally dumb it down to no spaces and no special characters and see what happens.

Especially since he's getting auth errors.
Yeah I sent him the file all done up so it is possible.  In order to do that though you have to rename your account in Haiku Helper.  That is where the username comes from.  Its the particular instance.
Yeah I just logged in to my server and you have to go in to Haiku Helper, double click on the instance and then go to the second option for "Connection" and then change Name.  I am writing this in case he needs the directions...
Couldn't sleep so I'm back at it. I dumbed down my user name and password as recommended. My username is now 1 word and my password is also 1 word and has no special characters or numbers.
It still isn't working.
I'm able to open the HH Web Interface with my new username and password. From there I can turn lights on and off.
I've saved heffneil's latest code as a .php file and saved it in /Library/Webserver/Documents.
Here's the exact url I'm pasting in safari:
without the ' on the ends
066 is the # assigned to my study light when I'm in the HH Web Interface and go to Control
Nothing happens.  The webpage is blank and the study light does not turn on.
I'm pretty certain I did the apache and php things correctly per ihf's instructions.
That's where I am. I tried to be as specific as possible.
Thank you.
You have to get a hello world .php script and test that in your website root first.
    <title>Hello World
          echo "Hello World";
name that hello.php
then go to and see if that works for you? This file goes in the same directory as HaikuHelper.php
I did that and I get this error:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `"identifier (T_STRING)"' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/hello.php on line 27
Just make your file:
          echo "Hello World";
I had issues with the entire thing.  Anyway that should not error and if it does you have a PHP engine problem (obviously) which means you need to undo it and redo it previously.
I guess I have a PHP problem

Parse error: parse error, expecting `"identifier (T_STRING)"' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/hello.php on line 10
I gotta run, I have kids stuff today, but I'll be back at maybe later today, or def 1st thing in the morning.  Thank you for all your help!
Quick question.  I tried doing the apache and pnp manually, but I saw some software call MAMP that claims to take care of it for you.  Thoughts?
I agree. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I installed MAMP as that's supposed to take care of the Apache and PHP settings, but it still isn't working.  I tried rebooting too.
Any updates?  I have been thinking about your problem and its obviously been a struggle but we can sort it out...  Have you make a just a test.html page with the word Hello? That way we can check that the web server is working ok first? Then we figure out PHP?