Using Ocelot for IR


Senior Member
I see that the Ocelot is one of the most common ways to add IR to systems like Homeser, OmniPro II and Elk M1, and I was wondering what is involved in doing that for each system?

With Homeseer I understand that Ocelot support is native to the plugin? In other words you don't need CMax for adding expansion modules or recording IR codes because it is done from within the plugin correct?

How about the M1 and OmniPro? Do you set everything up in CMax and then just trigger the recorded IR codes somehow from these systems? Is this simple point and click stuff or do you need to construct complex ascii strings within M1/OmniPro events?

Can the M1 and OmniPro send IR commands from their respective touch screens and keypads?
You'll have to construct something at least a little "complicated" somewhere.

The ADI systems store IR in a list / table of IR codes. This is why they'll work with any system that can either send an ASCII code or - appropriately configured - close a contact even.

One or both systems must have some "if this happens, do this" programming built. In ADI, their code is used to say "when this contact closure occurs, send this IR (from the table) out this IR port (since there could be many different IR ports depending on configuration).

As outlined somewhere around here, with Elk one can send an ASCII string to cause ADI to send one code versus another. Presumably / theoretically this could be done with anything. This is also how the HomeSeer interface works but you're insulated from having to know / keep track of what's what by the plugin code presenting / understanding that there is IR stuff and - to some extent - what it is and what it will do.

ATEOTD, this is what all the systems have to do to talk to / with ADI, though: serial codes move back and/or forth between them. The only exception to this would be to set the ADI up for contact-closure methods which would then require ADI code to translate that (and a lot of closures).

Based on how "simple" the ADI/Elk was made to look here, I'm considering seeing if someone will trade me an Ocelot for a Leopard and put ADI back into the mix for basic IR-based volume / mute functions without involving the HA/AV PC. :p

Edit: forgot your touchscreen / keypad question. Once talking to each other, yes. :p
Gist of it: tie some function or command or trigger on each system to an action that causes the ADI gear to do it's IR-based thing and fire that function / command / trigger from the keypad or touchscreen.
I'm being vague because (at least with Elk - I don't know HAI) there are many ways to cause something to "fire" and the different methods make sense in different cases depending on what you want to accomplish and how you chose to do it.

gregoryx said:
This is also how the HomeSeer interface works but you're insulated from having to know / keep track of what's what by the plugin code presenting / understanding that there is IR stuff and - to some extent - what it is and what it will do.
So just to confirm... you don't need CMax at all when you use the Ocelet with Homeseer?
CMAX is not needed with HomeSeer. You can learn the IR commands within HomeSeer using the Ocelot Plug-in.

However, you will need CMAX if you want to import codes especially discrete codes (ON and OFF commands rather than power toggle) if a manufacturer supported them. You may also need to use a program called IRMAX.