vista 20 or m1 gold


I have a family member that is an installer. He pushes honeywell only because that is what he somewhat knows. I have read thread after thread about the two systems and more confused now than when i didn't know anything. The elks claim to fame is that it is a automation unit also, but i have read that you s hould get a different primary auto. Controller like the isy or vera. I do understand that the m1 has limited auto. Capabilities and the user interface isn't as user friendly as the others. The automation i am wanting to do is the garage doors, t stats, alarm system, and probably a few security lights. I may do more automation in the future so i do want expansion capabilities. I guess i am just torn between the two units. Everything i have read that the m1 gold does i am told the honeywell does also. So what is the difference between these two systems? Which one would everyone recommend? Should i go wired or wireless? I was planning on wireless and my sheetrock is now up on this new build, but if i need to i can still go wired.
Sounds like you have read quite a bit about Honeywell and Elk already.  The Vista can do what you want to do initially.  But since you say you may want to do more automation in the future, that would make me lean more towards the M1.  It offers better flexibility and expandability than the Vista, in my opinion.
If you haven't read this other thread already, it discusses this same topic, although as it relates to use with Insteon.
As to wired vs wireless, I think most folks will recommend to use wired sensors where you can.  In general, they provide better reliability compared to wireless.  But there are cases where installation of a wired sensor is such a pain that wireless becomes an attractive solution.  No reason you can't have a combination of wired and wireless sensors on your system.  Wired sensors are a lot less expensive to purchase, but installation cost to run the wire, including labor if you are paying for it or value your own time, may make it a wash.
One advantage of the Elk is that it offers wireless receivers for Honeywell, GE or Elk's own wireless sensors.
For your initial automation goals, I don't think you'll need an ISY or Vera.  Perhaps later as you expand your automation.
If wiring is an issue, the larger ademco supports VPlex protocol where you can connect multiple sensors to a single cable and they're all individually addressable; and Ademco sensors can be found for cheap on Ebay. I use my ademco vista 128bp with AD2USB interface to a homeseer server and I like it.
Edit: of course that Ademco supports wireless too. Multiple wireless receivers with repeaters available if you need extra range.
I myself am just now implementing an ELK M1 in my new home.  In my prior home I had a Vista 21ip.  Besides the Automation features and integration with the ISY etc... One of the main things I like about the ELK is that there are ways to directly control the panel with a smart phone over your local network (or VPN.)  With the Vista I had to pay extra for total connect service which ran through their servers and the app was horribly slow and limited! Just something to think about!
SInce I've installed both (18 years on the Vista platform and about 8-9 on the M1) here's where you're at. The Vista is capable of basic functions. Any higher level automation is going to require additional equipment and/or possibly a subscription based service. Integration to 3rd party isn't going to be easy.
The M1 is a capable platform and if the relative is familiar with Honeywell, the jump to a M1, besides the data bus topology isn't a huge deal. If they can understand a manual and are familiar with trade terms, not a big deal.
The price point is going to be greater on the M1, however once you expand a similar Honeywell product to compete with a M1, the price difference isn't that great and frankly, the M1 can do things a HW panel can't and has a lot more flexibility.
The M1 can do everything a V128/250 can with small big deal about the receivers, the M1 can do the same and then some. The Vplex (multiplex) should be avoided if at all possible. Not practical in a residence.
Just wanted to say thank you for your insight. I was leaning twords the m1 already and you guys just made the decision definite.