marvell plug computer

looks like I need to brush up on my terminology.

I know MCS has a XAP plugin. I don't know what the difference is between xPL and xAP.

I know mi4 has some information on xAP for Homeseer. I'll grab "all" this stuff and try to sort through it.

Thanks! I've wanted to get x<fill in> stuff on HS for a while. This might be the thing that finally kicks me in the butt to try it.


Was there anything you needed to delete or mount or something else? I have been trying to get that debian to install on my dockstar, but it keeps bombing out on the script, as it states it has run out of space.

Maybe I need to format the partitions? I've not done that. I created them with fdisk...but wasn't sure I needed to format them (I was trying to follow the page you linked verbatim).

I also had to do a strange "command" to be able to run fdisk. I can't recall what it is off the top of my head, but can look when I get home). Something like bootbuddy or basebuddy <command> <parameters>

xPL forked off from xAP due to some differences of opinion. here's a write up on the two misterhouse wiki i'm pretty sure there's at least one discussion on here as well.

has the dock ever phoned home? if it has, then there are some things i read that say it may do updates to prevent you from getting root access to it. otherwise, you should be able to ssh to the dock and log in as root as described on that debian install page. once you're logged in you can fdisk your flash drive (nothing prepending it - if you had to run "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" then you're not root). i didn't have to format the partitions.
Maybe because I let it phone home, but I couldn't ssh to the box until I let it phone home (there was an option in there). (although it might have restricted me from SSHing in, because it phoned home).

I didn't have sudo, but it was some other crazy thing.

I guess I'll have to play a bit more. I know after it finished doing whatever it did to my external hard drive, it seemed to fail the partition build...however, when I went back into fdisk, it stated the drive was setup the way I wanted.

I'll have to play around a bit. I have 1 more I can play with, and I have one on order. Hopefully I can get all of them setup with Debian...

not sure how to recover if it's phoned home. but with your other device, you can block the pogo service's IP address on your router, which it sounds like you've already done and then ssh directly to the it after figuring out its ip. or you can put it on an isolated network, figure out its ip address & ssh to it, and disable the pogo software as described in this link i just found and when that's done, you can put it on your live network so it can dl the debian install.
damage: your post was caught by an 'automated' process (automation exists to make life more complicated :)) on the HST forums, it should be restored.

I look forward to getting my unit as well, I wish someone would release a cheaper version of this platform ($100 is too much), so we can start building appliances ;)

So, did you just actively block the pogo plug server?

I have been running through the steps in my head. Even IF I get SSH on the other one, without it calling the mothership, I then need the script to run so I can disable the pogoplug software. I need to be online to get the script.

Essentially what I did to block internet access, was told my DHCP server to assign a bad gateway / DNS server to the box.

I'll try my second one, however, think as soon as I assign a gateway, it's going to pop online to the mothership.

my dock had ssh activated out of the box so there was no need to go to the pogo website. this thread has some info on what to block either from the device or your router and that's what i did before plugging it in. in retrospect, the link i previously posted is probably the safest way to prevent it from phoning home - actually stopping the software from running - as you never know what firmware you may get and they may change the update servers. once you disable the software, you can connect it to your live network and run the debian update script.
Thanks for the links! I'll remember to do that on the next one.

Last night, I reset my dockstar...well, really I unplugged it to try the second box. As I was still puzzeled on HOW to keep it from accessing ONLY those few sites (again, thanks for the link...and wow, my IT days were long behind I forgot about the hosts file!), I turned tha tone off and decided to try the first box again.

As soon as it turned on this time, my DHCP was still assigning it a gateway / etc. HOWEVER, this time, when I logged in with my ROOT password (set by the pogo cloud), I didn't get the:
"-bash" prompt
I got:
Since this was different, I plugged my previously fdisked hard drive back in. Waited 30 seconds until it spun up (and I assumed registered). I then ran:
"fdisk /dev/sda" WITHOUT the "busybox" prefix. Since that worked, I assumed I was in a "good" place to run the install script.

This time, the script ran flawlessly. Within 15 minutes, I had debian installed! Now, I just have to get a 1-16GB thumbdrive, so I can do this more permanently! Right now, I used a USB hard drive, as that's all I had laying around. That and 256MB and 512MB thumbdrives.

GREAT first step! Thanks for lighting the fire under my butt to try this! Now, I just have to figure out how (through command line) to change the sleep timeout for hard drives, as well as figure out how to install a RAID5 partition to my bunch of hard drives. I'd prefer ZFS, but I think only Ubuntu and FreeNas has that right now.

From a bit or looking (not too in depth), looks like there are ways of getting ZFS running, just not as a boot drive. WHICH I am TOTALLY AOK with, as I'm going to have the OS on a thumbdrive.

This sounds pretty sweet.

Might give ZFS a try on my FreeNas box. I am starting to see problems with 1.5-2.0 Tb drives with UFS (old controller though). I have 4 drives on a newer controller which are doing fine.