Adding an Elk ELK-M1XRFTW Two-Way Wireless Transceiver / Expander


Active Member
So I carefully set up my Elk M1G with the 16 base zones and an additional 16 hardwired zones via an Elk M1XIN at Data Bus Address 2 (17-32). When that was completed, I decided to add wireless capability, mainly for a keyfob, with an Elk M1XRFTW Two-Way Wireless Transceiver / Expander. Of course, after purchase, I learn it has to use Data Bus Address 2, so I move the XIN up to Data Bus Address 6 (to allow for the possibility of a future 64 wireless sensors).
I unenrolled the XIN, brought up the XRFTW, and then looked for the method to move Zones 17-32 up to Zones 81-96 with the single click of a mouse in RP. Nope, couldn't find any migration tool. So I did a manual copy/paste from 17 to 81, 18 to 82, etc. After completing that, I removed Expander 17-32 in RP and was back in business.
Did I miss a simple way to make this migration?
Lastly, it seems that inserting the wireless zones between the built-in base wired zones 1-16 and the "upper" wired zones on the XIN is a real clunky design decision by Elk. When I was using contiguous Zones 1-32, I carefully mapped out all the doors, windows, glass breaks and motions so they flowed clockwise around the house (in plan view). So my front door was Zone 1, kitchen windows Zones 2 & 3, door to garage Zone 4, main garage door Zone 5, etc eventually winding up with the bedrooms. Now I have 16 hardwired zones, then some wireless zones, then some more hardwired zones, so my whole carefully-laid-out zone numbering plan is shot.
Is anybody else bothered by the forced insertion of the wireless zones into the midst of the wired zones?
Maybe I'm being too nitpicky, but the apparent lack of migration tools when adding wireless and the forced disruption of my zone plan when retrofitting wireless are not good.
Yeah that's a poor design choice - I wouldn't mind adding their transceiver but I have zero desire to redo all my zones.
I do also wish there was more configurability of how the zones show up in any of the Elk applications; luckily eKeypad, where I do most of my interaction, you have to sort alphabetically so at least it makes sense in some way.