There are both local and internet based LIFIX protocols: I have a few bulbs, but they are not suitable for every light fixture.
upstatemike said:I wish Lifx or some multi-color LED bulb company would make a wall switch controller so you can operate them without using a phone app (app based control just doesn't cut it with my family). I'm talking something that will fit into a standard decora wall plate... not that monstrosity that HUE offers.
I use two inputs for daily temp. The first is pretty simple, I just measure the outside temp 30 minutes before sunrise. That gives a very accurate guide of how hot it will be. Second, I have a Raspberry Pi that gets the weather forcast and gives it to the Omni with a serial connection.dementeddigital said:That's impressive! Your house must be well insulated. Where does the Omni get the daily high temp information? You did most (all?) of the programming for that cooling logic in the Omni?
We have two controlled by IFTTT. They flash various colors when the Cardinals or Cowboys get a touchdown.picta said:We have 3 lifix color bulbs. They are mostly controlled by automation rules, but they can also be controlled from a 4 button centralite switch, top button for on/off/dim, the three other buttons are for "dimming" the RGB. Initially kids played with the buttons, but now they are rarely used as the automation does a good job on its own.
Software that would be used to implement such a system is referred to as middleware. It is the common denominator between external devices and the HAI controller. The middleware would get the weather forecast data, process this data and send thermostat commands to the controller based on the evaluation of this data. Unfortunately, you just cannot send any type of variable data to the controller and allow it to somehow "crunch" this data and make thermostat control decisions. The reason being is that the serial protocol, more specifically Omni Link Protocol Rev 2.12 does not have any mechanism for sending any type of variable data to the controller. Thus, the need for middleware.heffneil said:Ano that is super cool! What software are you using to do all that work? I didn't think the programming area of the Omni was really capable of all that?
Transferability is a problem. In my area there is hardly anyone who commercially supports HAI products which is a shame because I love them and they are super affordable and in my opinion competes with the big boys!