Build back boxes for recess light

He's been asking about soundproofing, but you have a great point.

I plan on replacing many of my non-IC can lights myself. Should be about $20 per can, for IC replacements, including trim. Easier than back boxes, IMO.
not to hijack but what is the thought about doing something like this with non IC cans? that just means the boxes/insulation cant touch them right? so if I make an 12" box for 4" cans would that be good enough? Trying to add some R value back to those fixtures
I would look up your cans and see what the manufacturer recommends, but it's usually just a few inches. I'm sure each can is different though.
nice contribution everyone. it seems like we all have different approaches. I talked to Tedd White and he told me that the best way to soundproof you ceiling is to use soundproof backboxes for the light. I was just curious if using a roxul wool sound and safe batt can replace going thru the stress of installing back boxes.
FWIW, I installed a single mono/DVC speaker in the drywall ceiling of my wiring closet, located directly below my home office.

I laid in a couple large bats of R19 above the speaker, no other ceiling treatment.

Didn't make a difference.
yeah, no surprise. Fiberglass pretty much is only good for reducing reflected sound. It does very little for stopping transmission.