I am hoping someone can help me with my 20p system (very, very old!). It has started to beep in the middle of the night when the alarm is set, but by the time we can figure out what is beeping it clears. Sometimes the keypad will produce a long, loud beep, other times multiple beeps seemingly at regular intervals, but too far apart to be there to see the keypad message. I have tried to access the event log using Master Code + # + 6 + 0 but it doesn't do anything. I tried on all 3 keypads and no luck. Does anyone know if there is some sort of trick to accessing the event log?
I don't think its battery as I just replaced the battery last year, but I will break out the multimeter to check anyways. I just was hoping the log might tell me if a zone tripped (though the actual alarm doesn't trigger so that is also weird) or something like that.
I don't think its battery as I just replaced the battery last year, but I will break out the multimeter to check anyways. I just was hoping the log might tell me if a zone tripped (though the actual alarm doesn't trigger so that is also weird) or something like that.