Vista20P Assistance - Accessing event log


Active Member
I am hoping someone can help me with my 20p system (very, very old!). It has started to beep in the middle of the night when the alarm is set, but by the time we can figure out what is beeping it clears. Sometimes the keypad will produce a long, loud beep, other times multiple beeps seemingly at regular intervals, but too far apart to be there to see the keypad message. I have tried to access the event log using Master Code + # + 6 + 0 but it doesn't do anything. I tried on all 3 keypads and no luck. Does anyone know if there is some sort of trick to accessing the event log?

I don't think its battery as I just replaced the battery last year, but I will break out the multimeter to check anyways. I just was hoping the log might tell me if a zone tripped (though the actual alarm doesn't trigger so that is also weird) or something like that.

Are you positive you are using the master code (not the installer code)?
You must have an Alpha keypad to see the event log. Many installers chose the cheaper keypads to lock owners out from this information.
6160 is an Alpha. 6150 is not. The non-alpha ones (called Fixed) have a lesser display. If you can't find the model number, please post a picture of it.
Is your 20p still using a phone line? If so, remote access is possible.
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I am not 100% positive, no. I did enter the master code change routine (Master + 8 + 02 + New Master + New Master) and it double beeped like it took, so I was hoping that meant it was correct.

Pics below. I know the FC code (we stopped monitoring years ago and this always shows now) so I don't think its related to that.

Unfortunately no phone line anymore.

I just tried taking the voltage across terminals 1 and 2 and got nothing. I am wondering if my transformer went bad on me. Nevermind.. user error. Getting 16-18 there so seems ok. All voltages seem fine. I checked Transformer, Auxiliary and Battery. So it must not be the battery, but I really didn't think it was originally.

And update 2.. after testing voltages, I reconnected everything and now my panels are displaying a BAT warning. I am so confused. Voltage at the battery appears to be fine.
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Thanks for the picture. It answers a couple questions.
1. You have a Fixed keypad so no access to the event logs.
2. You have an ADT modified Vista 20p. ADT changed the firmware on the 20p so it does not behave the way a standard 20p does.
ADT does this to lock clients to them.
Got it, thank you. So even if I bought a used 6160 I might still not be able to view the event logs? I have debated replacing this system with an Elk for over 5 years but with the inflation over the past couple, I couldn't stomach the cost to do it. I wish I had pulled the trigger prior to COVID, now those prices don't look so bad in hindsight !
I have an extra 6160 (non RF) I could let go for a reasonable price if you decide to go that way. I just replaced my old Networx unit with a 20P.