Cool name for Home server

We name all of ours at work...yes kind of geeky. We have done greek gods (zeus, hera, hades), constellations (aquarius, orion), CA mountains (shasta, whitney, lassen), CA rivers (truckee, kings, klamath), and others. What I have learned after all of those names over the years is that the shorter, easier ones are better (like zeus, kings, etc.). They are easier to type when entering the UNC to that machine.

For home, I am keeping it simple (hapc, sage, etc.).
All of our machines are airplanes Mustang,Raptor,RV4,Thunderbolt,Warthog etc. I set static IP addresses to the aircraft number thus the last octets are 51,22,4,47 and 10.
Cinemar's default names are:

Server1 (for MainLobby 3 Server software). There can be multiple servers, but typically only one in anything but the largest of installations.

HTPC1 through HTPCX (for MainLobby 3 Client software plus any media rendering software like TheaterTek / PowerDVD / ArcSoftTMT). There can be as many of these as the installation warrants.

UMPC1 and UMPC2 (for MainLobby 3 software to be used as a "remote control"). A UMPC is a small handheld, wireless Windows PC. These would run a user interface designed for a small device. MainLobby ships with default scenes for this format as well as larger formats. Of course the user can completely customize them as well.

Since mulitiple user interfaces can be served from one PC, they have "client names"
default clients names are MyClient1, MyClient2, etc.

Web user interfaces use the device's IP addess like "" so that each web instance is handled as a unique client. Example of this is the iPhone / iTouch user interface that comes with MLServer software.

So, not "original", but hopefully understandable. The user can make the names anything they want, but to assist with "out of the box" type functionality, default names are used to help minimize setup issues. Our dealers typically use this naming convention as it helps with support issues. The end user is completely insulated from the PC names, so they don't have to be "cute" and unique for each installation. The user just knows what they want to do like "Play this Movie on This TV (Theater Room)".
Mine is Holly. It was the computer in Red Dwarf, a British Sci-Fi/Comedy. Absolutely hilarious show. I won't even begin to try and describe it, but if you can, check it out.

Now if I could just get him to talk with the same smart-a$$ attitude and accent....
My system is called "Fortress" but the server name is simply TPGhca after my company name "The Paradigm Group" and "Home Control Assistant" which runs the show.
Currently Im doing the Greek alphabet (i'm up to Pi, not including workstations), but Ive also done Star Trek characters, Golden Girls, and my favorite, Scooby Doo!

All of our machines are airplanes Mustang,Raptor,RV4,Thunderbolt,Warthog etc. I set static IP addresses to the aircraft number thus the last octets are 51,22,4,47 and 10.

I use WW2 aircraft, and try to match the A/C performace/spec to the PC one, Birddog is my gateway, Skytrain my server, Corsair my desktop, etc
Calvin is the office client, Hobbes is the home server. Hobbes always seemed a little more in control and Calvin was always getting into trouble.
Ex-girl friend's names.... then again I don't think my wife would like that too much......

Porn star names ..... no that would be an even bigger issue with the wife....

Maybe I should just stick with HTPC and Laptop, etc.
Ex-girl friend's names.... then again I don't think my wife would like that too much......

Porn star names ..... no that would be an even bigger issue with the wife....

Maybe I should just stick with HTPC and Laptop, etc.

What a great phishing exploit! Now that everyone has exposed the host names behind their firewall, maybe they can also share their favourite IP address range, or home web address, or ...