Cool name for Home server

I honestly thought about that before I posted and didn't use actual names of any of my computers. (Not even close).

But I guess that is another reason why I can't change them to porn star names now either. ;)
As mentioned my servers are Timone and Poomba, from The Lion King ( No Worries... ).

Being a huge scifi fan, All my clients are named after scifi chicks...

My wife's office names their various network devices using names from the Peanuts. It's always kind of amusing to hear some doctor say "Snoopy is out of paper, can you send that to Linus please". Prescriptions print out of Lucy and Charlie Brown is the big copier/fax/printer that never quite lives up to its potential.
My wife loves the new american gladiators.. so the big daddy server is called Titan, and the sexy htpc is Crush. On the web interfaces for both I have a picture of the american gladiator they are named after. THis works well for all concerned.. she gets to visually see the server she is connecting to, and when someone goes wonky I know exactly what she is talking about. "Titan won't turn on the porch light tonight!" or "Crush is being bad. She won't play this show I recorded." I really think the visual reinforcement is key for her.
Mine is \"HACI,\" acronym for Home Automation Computer Interface. I pronounce it \"Hacky\" and it has its own hace@... email address.

EDIT: Forgive all the slashes in my posts, I have to use aphp-based proxy program to connect to CT from work, and it tries to escape stuff out and adds all those slashes.
At work we have a group of severs named after different levels of Hell, such as "Tartarus", "Gehenna", etc.
All the machines on my network are named from the Flintstones. Don't know why. I don't know what I was thinking/drinking when I named the first one.
We went with NFL football teams here. Prior to that we were using our pet's names. Now we have a lot more PC's than pets, so that doesn't work anymore.
Given that I run Homeseer and my PCs are named for Simpsons (Marge, Bart, etc.), it was obvious to name my HomeSeer server as "Homer".

"Mother" from Alien. Could be an appropriate abbreviation when the server misbehaves. :huh:
"Proteus" from Demon Seed. Mentioned earlier; may want to skip this name after seeing the movie.
"Guardian", the Soviet counterpart to "Colossus" from The Forbin Project.
"Lucille" from "Red Planet".
"M5" from Star Trek "The Ultimate Computer".

etc etc
"Ardvarc" of Control; not sure whether there was a Kaos counterpart.

Anyone remember whether U.N.C.L.E./T.H.R.U.S.H. had computers? Still anxiously waiting for the studio to release "The Man From..." series on DVD.
What a great phishing exploit! Now that everyone has exposed the host names behind their firewall, maybe they can also share their favourite IP address range, or home web address, or ...

So, I guess you don't trust your firewall . .