Does this rely on any other modules? On a clean install it immediately errors when trying to access a non-existent DefaultSite.
'V2.2 cl - comment out if you don't have the WeatherUnderground module active
+++ Count = Schema.Modules.GetObjectsByTypeAndPropertyValue(Schema.System.Module.Path, "Name", "WeatherUnderground", false).Count
+++ if (Count > 0) then
for each oChild in home.GetObjectsByType(Schema.Modules.WeatherUnderground.Classes.CurrentConditions, true)
sTemp = (round(ochild.cctemperature)) & "°"
sSum = ochild.ccsummary
sIcon = "<img width=32 height=32 SRC=""/sys/" & ochild.objectID & "!Image"">"
--- on error goto 0 'Why is this here?
+++ end if
chucklyons said:The next release (and most likely my last given the pms and emails I have gotten) does not require mbWeatherUnderground...good luck to whomever is next.
w84no1 said:I do have a question, how do you get AB to work with newer versions of IE? I am going to add my thermostats, but I want to make it work with both AB and MB.
123 said:FWIW, I tested it with Edge and Internet Explorer 11 on Win10. I assume JQM is browser agnostic? I've been experimenting with openHAB and it requires a webkit-based browser.