eKeypad problems

Another question - is there any reason that the network address in eKeyPad can not be in the form [email protected]?? It won't let that now as it requires numeric address - but would seem to me to resolve the dynamic dns problem??

You are not restricted to only using a dynamic DNS in eKeypad. However, it is very common to do so as most people receive dynamic IP Addresses from their ISP. If the address your ISP provides to you changes, then it will beak your configuration in eKeypad. There are a number of way to avoid this situation.

1) Purchase a static IP Address from your ISP. This is not always available and sometimes is very expensive.
2) Use a free dynamic DNS service. This appears to be the best option but be careful. Many of these services will try to delete your account if your IP Address does not change for 30 days. They will always send you an email first, so you need to watch your email. They typically only give you 5 days to stop the cancel.
3) Use a paid dynamic DNS service. This seems to be the best option. These services are very cheap ~$1 per month and do not suffer from the cancelation issues of the free accounts.

In eKeypad, the network address field will accept either an IP Address or a hostname. It will verify the value you enter during the validation stage.

- For IP Addresses they must be properly formatted, within the allowed ranges and not be one of the protected addresses defined by the specifications
- For hostnames eKeypad will ensure that they can be resolved to an IP Address. This is why you were not able to enter "[email protected]". This is not a valid hostname. Typically hostnames take the form of "www.cnn.com" or "my home.dyndns.org". The dynamic DNS services can help guide you through creating a valid hostname.